The Chronicle

New look for sports presenter

What’s that on her face?


GRANDFATHE­R was reminded how one can be left behind with modern technology upgrading so rapidly.

Our man was watching Fox Sports football with his son when he commented on the look of presenter Tara Rushton.

“I didn’t know she had a mole on her face,” the Grandfathe­r frowned.

“What?” replied his confused son.

“She’s got a mole on her face,” Granddad repeated.

After looking a little closer, his son realised what his father was looking at.

“That’s her (head-worn) microphone, dad!” son laughed.

Phone home

WHISPERS has once again solved a mystery.

Last week Whispers reported how a chap had lost his mobile phone heading home from a night out in Toowoomba’s CBD.

He figured he must have left it in the Uber taxi he took home but all inquiries failed to reunite him with the phone.

Staff at his favourite inner-city watering hole, upon learning of his mishap, fashioned together two cans connected by a piece of string and presented him with his “new phone”.

Whispers ran a photo of him using the device in last week’s edition which was spotted by a Middle Ridge neighbour of our man.

The neighbour had picked up the phone from the footpath and was at pains to try and find its owner.

After spotting the Whispers article, the neighbour crossed the street and reunited phone with owner.

Modern Valentine

LONG-distance relationsh­ips can be a strain but not so much for a Toowoomba couple.

He had remained in the Garden City when his girlfriend took a new job in Melbourne but the pair vowed to keep the fire alive with regular flights between the two cities.

However, with work commitment­s pending, the pair couldn’t be in the same room for Valentine’s Day but that didn’t stop them from getting together for a romantic candle-lit dinner thanks to Skype.

Wee wee wee...

A PIG that belonged to a kindergart­en in Toowoomba has found its way home.

The piglet, which was reported missing yesterday (Friday), didn’t need rescuing after its owners reported him missing online.

To make matters more interestin­g, the owners found him as they were on the phone to the Toowoomba Chronicle.

No porkies in this tale.

Court out

CHAP appeared before a Toowoomba court this week after breaching his bail conditions.

One of those conditions was that he was stay away from Grand Central shopping centre where he was caught on Wednesday in a liquor store and taken into custody.

“It’s ironic he’s in a place where he shouldn’t be buying alcohol when he lives in a Toowoomba hotel,” the magistrate remarked to the 35-year-old man’s solicitor.

“He wasn’t buying alcohol,” Your Honour, “He was just with a friend who was.”

Sign of the times

THE Commonweal­th Games ticketing fiasco has stretched to Toowoomba.

Local couple had acquired tickets for a weight lifting session but received word this week that the tickets they purchased read “9.30pm instead of 9.30am”.

“They said the tickets are still valid for the session,” our operative told Whispers.

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