The Chronicle

Too much sport? Not a chance


EACH weekend The Chronicle sport team jumps on its Saturday Soapbox and voices its opinion on some pressing sporting issues.

This week the team talk about the smorgasbor­d of sport on offer in Toowoomba this weekend.

Jason Gibbs: It’s all happening in Toowoomba this weekend.

From rugby league and union to tennis and speedway there’s something for everyone. Then there’s the local cricket and jugger what’s jugger I hear you ask. Check out our story on page 55 for a rundown.

For rugby league fans the Brisbane Broncos and Gold Coast Titans trial is the draw card but we can’t forget the Coca-Cola Queensland PGA Championsh­ips at City Golf Club.

It wasn’t too long back that the PGA Championsh­ips were in dire straits before their move to Toowoomba breathed life back into the tournament.

From all accounts that new lease of life came from our region’s passionate golf fans and the profession­alism and continued support of City Golf Club officials.

That’s a real win because it shows that regional centres can and should hold major events.

It also proves that if you have or develop a good product it will be supported.

And with that in my mind I have no doubt that when the Titans and Dragons come to town in March for their historic NRL match it, too, will be a massive success.

We’ve got the fans, the passion and the know-how throw in some keen officials like the Western Mustangs and the TRL and you can see we have nothing to fear.

Glen McCullough: I’m not sure sporting weekends in Toowoomba come much bigger than this one.

Sure, we have one-off events like Weetwood and football grand finals, but the variety of quality sport in our region this week is rare.

Gibbo has outlined most of them, but we also have TAB race meetings in Toowoomba and Warwick, baseball and the resumption of kart racing tomorrow at Greer Park.

The good news for keen sport followers is they are well spaced throughout both days and Saturday night.

But whatever you do, don’t miss the PGA golf finish tomorrow at City Golf Club. with Jason Gibbs and Glen McCullough

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