The Chronicle




The Sunday Project WIN, 6.30pm

Now airing six days a week, The Project’s Sunday edition has been hyped, thanks to Channel Ten poaching veteran journalist Lisa Wilkinson from her role on Nine’s Today show. After 11 years of early-morning starts, Wilkinson has fit in perfectly with her co-presenters Hamish Macdonald, Tommy Little and Rachel Corbett in her new night-time venture. The Project’s mix of human stories, headlines and opinion mightn’t seem too far removed from Today’s lineup, but the absence of early-morning gags, gossipy innuendo and cheesy infomercia­ls make The Project a more distinguis­hed fit for Wilkinson.

Married At First Sight NINE, 7pm

At this point, you are doing well if you can remember the names of the swarm of brides and grooms. This fifth season of Married At First Sight has cobbled together 11 couples, matched by experts. Ranging from cringingly awkward to heart meltingly sweet, the chances of finding real love look more promising for couples such as Sarah and Telv and Nasser and Gabrielle, but you never really know how the romance will play out. Now that the ceremonies and honeymoons are done and dusted, the couples’ true potentials are laid bare. Who will have hearts (or daggers) in their eyes tonight?



Beware a case of the heebie-jeeb s. Dragula, which is made in the spirit o

Ru Paul’s Drag Race, but with element of Jackass and Fear Factor thrown in, i a sight to behold. Hosted by the Boule Brothers, who sport amazingly disturbing costumes and makeup, the show is pitched as “the search for America’s drag supermonst­er”. The contestant­s, otherwise known as punk drag queens, are pitted against one another in a series of extreme challeng s to cide who will claim the crown and the cash prize. Thea rical and creepy, beautiful and disturbing, it’s an arresting mix that is easy to be drawn into, even as you cover your eyes.

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