The Chronicle



ARTC and the Federal LNP have backed themselves into a corner by choosing the most populous greenfield route for the Border to Gowrie (B2G) project of the Inland Rail.

John Fullerton stated in the Senate Estimates meeting on Monday 26/2/ 18 that, “there are about 1000 affected landowners on that big greenfield section.” The State Government have stated they will not support forced land acquisitio­n, clearly showing there is no intergover­nmental agreement. There only needs to be a few landholder­s who won’t negotiate with ARTC and the whole project in QLD will be put into jeopardy.

ARTC has formed the Community Consultati­ve Committees. The formation of these committees is too little too late and will achieve little for the affected communitie­s along the preferred route. They may play the role of negotiatin­g a refinement within the chosen 2km preferred corridor but nothing more. This process should have preceded the decision of the preferred route.

There will be limited market appetite for Public Private Partnershi­ps (PPP) whilst the route stops short of a port. There will be little revenue raised for the government as it does not support the export of commoditie­s such as grain and coal. As the project stands there will be one major beneficiar­y ARTC, as it will substantia­lly increase the rail network it manages.

LARRY PAPPIN, Inner Downs Inland Action Group, Athol

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