The Chronicle



Hard recipe

A guy comes home from work one day to find his wife crying because she couldn’t figure out how to double the size of a recipe. “How come?” he asked. “The oven doesn’t go up to 700 degrees!”

Test prayer

There was the boy who said, as he was finishing his prayer.

“Bless Mum and Dad, and please make Montreal the capital of Canada.”

His mother was surprised. “Why Terry,” she exclaimed, “why did you say that?”. To which

Terry replied, “Because I wrote that on my social studies test today.”

Top job

A father is asked by his friend, “Has your son decided what he wants to be when he grows up?”

“Yes, he wants to be a garbage collector,” replied the boy’s father.

His friend thought for a moment and responded, “That’s a strange ambition to have for a career.”

“Well,” said the boy’s father, “he thinks that garbage collectors only work on Tuesdays!”

Church bouncers

Six-year old Angie and her four-year old brother, Joel, were sitting together in church.

Joel giggled, sang and talked out loud.

Finally, his big sister had had enough.

“You’re not supposed to talk out loud in church.”

“Why? Who’s going to stop me?” Joel asked.

Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, “See those two men standing by the door? They’re hushers.”

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