The Chronicle




6. Part of a hairpiece you may get from 12 (3)

7. Grizzle about what happens if you overdo it from 12 (9)

9. He is not known for working at 12 (4)

10. See 1 Down

11. Extend your time in prison (7)

13. Party madman from 12 (5)

16. Fish on wheels? Or 3 (5)

17. When you may get 1 from 12 (7)

19. States it could be most delicious (8)

21. What 16 does and available from 12 (4)

23. Yet it not a German from 12 (9)

24. See 12 Down


1dn & 10ac. Sounds like what you find at a computeris­ed nuclear plant and 12 (4,3,5)

2. Lease agreement of Lawrence & Nancy (7)

3. Used to have a 16 if it is cold enough (5)

4. # so called could be a brown one from 12 (4)

5. Copy hues for something from 12 (4,4)

8. The result etc. strangely could get very loud after the middle of May (6)

12 dn & 24ac. Is the symbol of this place the subtractio­n sign? But you leave with more than you came in with! (8,3)

14. Commands placed with 12 (6)

15. Available from 12 but may peter out to nothing (7)

18. We get Ray strangely tired (5)

20. Stub out some containers (4)

22. Baker’s vocation? (4)

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