The Chronicle




1. A slightly open container? (4) 3. The crowd felt a lot older after being rubbed down (8)

9. I sorted out the newspaper men (7)

10. The French may return with a member – this could cause panic (5)

11. Sly Colombian? In a word “Yes!” (12) 13. Alternativ­e choice of three I puzzle over (6) 15. Company chopper the Spanish returned on for cable (6)

18. Yet it is loud enough for all to hear from the players (5,7) 22. Swaggered for no wage but got the leftovers (5)

23. Evan & Reg could be the retaliator (7)

24. Punish and throw into jail? (8) 25. Ban the return of the vessels (4)


1. Some of the stage directions were well worn (4)

2. In the morning I go to my Spanish friend (5)

4. Tests staysails unlit (6) 5. Quiet tool that can be worn on the shoulder (5)

6. It’s found with the engine or in the boot of a sportsman? (7)

7. Strange mode the student gets into with the French here at home (8)

8. Sad because the chewy bar is from the southeast (6)

12. Pens duet and gets nervous (6,2)

14. Trained to give old for new (5-2)

16. What the world could be to one (6)

17. The sound you become aware of in the ship when being fleeced (6)

19. Partly use as elevation on canvas (5)

20. The last one in the pocket to win (5)

21. Idiot! Who needs 500 grave inscriptio­ns! (4)

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