The Chronicle




Tom, Bob and Harry were travelling through unexplored regions of darkest Africa when they came across a strange village, protected by a huge thatched fence.

They decided to stop and investigat­e. A guard armed with a long, sharp spear met them at the gate. “You may enter,” said the guard, “But we have one rule here: Never step on a duck. If you step on a duck, you will be punished!”

Tom, Bob and Harry thought this was strange and, intrigued, they passed through the gate, and found that there were ducks everywhere!

It was a impossible to keep from stepping on one! It was only a matter of time when the inevitable happened: Tom accidental­ly stepped on a duck. Suddenly, a bunch of guards stormed down the path and carried him away in chains! He was taken to prison and thrown into a cell with the meanest, ugliest woman you ever saw!

Bob and Harry saw this, and were extremely careful not to step on any ducks, but sure enough, it was only a few minutes until Bob stepped on one! Bob was immediatel­y chained to a woman even uglier than the first one; She was fat, and dirty, and nagged constantly!

By this time Harry was afraid to even take a step! It took him a half an hour just to walk a single block. Suddenly, for no reason, a guard ran up to Harry and chained him to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen!

She was tall, with blue eyes and long blonde hair, and wore a stunning red dress, all decked out in diamonds and gold! She must have been a princess!

Harry couldn’t believe his eyes! “What did I ever do to deserve this?” he asked. “I don’t know what you did,” said the princess, “But I stepped on a duck!”

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