The Chronicle

Petition support surges

15,000 signatures for museum

- MATTHEW NEWTON Matthew.Newton@thechronic­

HAVING already amassed 15,000 signatures, the Milne Bay Military Museum is hoping to hit their petition target of 20,000 names by the month’s end.

Since the end of April, the museum committee has been rallying support for its petition to the House of Representa­tives to have the Department of Defence gift the museum’s land and buildings to the community.

The petition comes after the museum was hit with an eviction notice from the Department of Defence in November 2017.

“We’re grateful for the support from the community so far,” MBMM committee president Marian Jones said.

Ms Jones said many people had connection­s to the Darling Downs’ 25th Battalion, who fought at the Battle of Milne Bay in World War II, and they wanted the museum to continue its work. The museum has been closed since November 2016 over Workplace Health and Safety issues and missing WWI and WWII firearms.

What was initially meant to be a six-week closure became indefinite after the department reportedly told the committee it wanted its land back.

“If we didn’t have the support it’d be no use worrying about it. But there is that support there, definitely,” Ms Jones said.

“Everybody’s worried about what’s going to happen and everybody wants to see (the region’s military history) on display.”

The petition can be signed at the office of Toowoomba South MP David Janetzki.

For more informatio­n contact museum25ba­

 ?? Photo: Nev Madsen ?? SUPPORTERS SIGN: Milne Bay Military Museum president Marian Jones says 14,500 people have signed the petition to save the museum.
Photo: Nev Madsen SUPPORTERS SIGN: Milne Bay Military Museum president Marian Jones says 14,500 people have signed the petition to save the museum.

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