The Chronicle



Listen up gals (and boys, cause ya know… you guys can have careers these days too xx) here's the hottest tip going, and you're getting it for free.

Careers wax and wane for us women in sync with the many phases of our lives.

While I'm still relatively young in career terms, the thing I've found that can move with me through every job and every experience is a good mentor.

If you think of your career as a life-long undertakin­g where your roles may change, but your learnings and skill set are something that you carry with you for life, it's a whole lot easier to invest in your own developmen­t.

The best way to work on self-developmen­t is reflection, accountabi­lity and a bit of a strategy.

Find a mentor you can seek guidance from, bounce your decisions off when needed and who can tell you to stop being a cry-baby and get over it when you just want to keep arguing a point. Sometimes it's hard to see a work situation clearly when you're in the middle of it, so having a mentor can be the outside perspectiv­e you need to make a rational decision or good career move.

Don't be afraid to approach someone to be your mentor, but remember to bring something to the table. A mentor is a guide, not a solution.

So don't be lazy…. you still have to put in the work yourself! And remember that busy people want to help those who help themselves.

They've already done the hard yards, so seeing you do them gives them a great sense of satisfacti­on.

Make sure your efforts are worth their time, and they will make plenty of time for you!

Bloom little flower, bloom!

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