The Chronicle




What a ride. The pace of this story begins at full-tilt and does not let up, leaving the reader almost breathless.

It follows six women in three different time periods – 1967 onwards, 2017, and 2018. In 1967, the reader meets the ‘Pioneers’ – four talented colleagues and friends who invent time travel. All seems well until one of the team has a breakdown on national television and is cut off from the group and subsequent company.

After decades of silence from her ex-colleagues, in 2017 Barbara receives a mysterious origami rabbit made from an inquest notice regarding a suspected murder that won’t take place until 2018. The problem is, the victim cannot be identified and there are no leads on the motive, method, or killer.

Fortunatel­y for the reader, the explanatio­ns of how time travel works is remarkably light scientific­ally and is easy to wrap the head around, and jumping between time-frames and characters is surprising­ly simple to follow. Part murder-mystery, part psychology speculatio­n, and with a little science-fiction thrown in, this book is an exciting ride from start to finish.

The Psychology of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenha­s is available from Thursday, August 9.

Review based on advance sampler provided from the publisher Head of Zeus via NetGalley.

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