The Chronicle



Ididn’t know what I wanted to be when I was growing up.

For some reason, I really wanted to be a palaeontol­ogist — I had dinosaur figurines and loved the idea of playing in a sand-pit, it seemed like the dream job to a young boy.

I recall that this ambition soon transcende­d into wanting to be an archaeolog­ist — why? I like history and I like to learn! So, it came as a surprise when I said I was off to study the law.

I coupled my law degree with a degree in internatio­nal relations.

This opened the door for all sorts of possibilit­ies — I recall wanting to work for the United Nations, perhaps even work abroad or even for the government in foreign policy.

But here I am, working my way up the ladder as a solicitor in a dedicated, and ever-growing, family law firm.

During my university studies, I was continuall­y asked “what kind of lawyer do you want to be?”

I actually didn’t have an answer to this. Every course I did blew my mind and made me more intrigued with what is possible through the law. But I always knew that I wanted to help people.

In 2014, I took a plunge and applied for a scholarshi­p known at the time as the ‘Best Wilson Family Law Scholarshi­p’, the key criteria being you wanted to be family lawyer.

I recall meeting with Kara Best at the firm’s old digs in Clifford Street, Toowoomba.

I specifical­ly recall being asked whether I wanted to be a family lawyer.

I said I didn’t know and perhaps not, that I wanted to get more experience in different areas before I made a decision as to ‘what kind of lawyer’ I was going to be.

Needless to say, it’s 2018 and I am now a solicitor working for Best Wilson Buckley Family Law after having worked in the business for close to four years.

I have learnt that the word ‘career’ doesn’t necessaril­y have to mean ‘job’ or ‘work’.

I believe that the word “career” describes your life and what you choose to do as an individual in society through your work.

You can have multiple jobs, and apparently we millennial­s are going to have eleven different jobs during our lifetime.

For me, my career is what I want to do in helping people and providing a nurturing and compassion­ate service to resolve disputes.

My career is driven by my goals and values.

Being a family lawyer allows me to achieve this ideal.

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