The Chronicle



LEO July 24 – Aug 23

Cats like nothing more than curling up with a good book on a cold winter’s day and going on a journey.

You will look at your world through new eyes, being able to see where your life is heading. This is a great time to appreciate the people in your inner circle.

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sept 24

This month will see you enjoy a new reality. Whether it be here or across the waves, home is where the heart is. There is simply no better way to feel the love than looking around you.

There may be times when you question your choices, but don’t fear. This is necessary for your growth.

LIBRA Sept 24 – Oct 23

You’re simply having the time of your life right now. Your career is progressin­g and you’re given more opportunit­ies to showcase your talents.

Fly high. Your life is so perfect at present and family will bring out the best feelings of happiness.

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22

Behold! The party queen has arrived! Each month has drawn ever nearer to the day that simply couldn’t get here quick enough (your birthday of course). There is simply nothing better than seeing you enjoy your birthday. Scorpios have been known to celebrate a couple of months out, getting in practice.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 21

Do not take a step backwards if something is important to you.

Kick your problems and obstacles to the kerb. Sagittaria­ns are known for their fiery dispositio­n and are passionate about areas of their life – beware the person who steps into that circle uninvited!

CAPRICORN Dec 22 – Jan 20

Tough as an old goat could be, your mantra for this year is “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger”. Testing times are ahead and you will need all your strength.

Ensure that you have all your facts and figures correct before taking on any opposition – the last thing you need is to look a fool when you need to stand tall.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19

Water bearer of the Zodiac, where do you get your stamina from?

You get to the top of a mountain then look for a taller peak to climb. Don’t stop believing in yourself.

Yes! You can move mountains.

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20

Pisces are invincible when they are in love. They tend to lock themselves away – cue romantic nights filled with chocolate and warm wine by the fire – only venturing out to restock supplies. That is okay. It’s expected when in love. Do what lovers do best this month.

ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20

Aries, you need to gather your friends around you; there are a few challenges ahead. Nothing dire, though you may feel like the world is turning against you.

It is simply the world telling you that changes are needed to make you feel whole again. So, spend time getting to know yourself and emerge from winter with a gorgeous glow of confidence.

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21

Nothing beats a bull at the stubborn game; they dig their heels in and refuse to budge. Sometimes, they can be like the proverbial bull in a china shop – rushing here and there, kicking up their heels. You may think of studying online this year. Whether it is a topic close to your heart or something completely left of field, you will do well.

GEMINI May 22 – June 22

Your stars shine bright for the winter season. You are achieving all the goals you have set for yourself this year. Now it’s on to bigger and better challenges that will see your name up in lights. Don’t shy away from any spotlight; you deserve all the accolades about to come your way.

CANCER June 23 – July 23

“Work it, let me work it!”, is the mantra for Cancer this month.

You need to stick to your goals; there are great benefits to seeing them through. Take your time. There is no need to rush. Let the benefits of the role come to you, then take a deep breath and dive on in!

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