The Chronicle

Dr Kate Davis explores the impact of social media


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. While mums with children aged 15 and over will never have had access to these social media platforms while their kids were babies, today’s mothers are overwhelme­d with a world of informatio­n at their fingertips. Most people think nothing of this. So what? Everyone is on Facebook.

Dr Kate Davis is not like most people. She’s made it her mission to find out how social media influences new mums in this brave new age of informatio­n technology.

Dr Davis is an informatio­n researcher and a senior research fellow at USQ, with an interestin­g focus. She completed her Ph.D in 2015, focussing on how new mums engage with informatio­n on social media, and what impact it has on their experience of motherhood.

“I guess it came from me noticing my friends’ usage of social media changing as they had kids, and going from posting about being hung over to having been up all night with a screaming baby,” Dr Davis says.

Her Ph.D was explorator­y, but she found that social media can be a really positive experience for new mums.

“I had one participan­t who has two children and she credited social media with saving her from post-natal depression with her second child. She didn’t feel as isolated as she did at first, because she could be alone in the middle

“There are women out there making the conscious decision to try and help other mothers by being really real about mothering.” DR KATE DAVIS

One of the things I am really interested in, is immunisati­on and how informatio­n and misinforma­tion flows on social media.” DR KATE DAVIS

of the night, breastfeed­ing, and could connect with people.”

While researchin­g her Ph.D, Dr Davis found mums were using social media to normalise their experience of motherhood.

“They ask ‘what is this really like’ and ‘what is normal behaviour for a child’,” she says.

She added that a lot of her participan­ts talked about how they had had unrealisti­c expectatio­ns of motherhood, based on the way mainstream media paints mothers, and based on the books they’d read before having babies.

“One participan­t described it as stepping of the plane in a foreign country for the first time and getting a real sense of culture shock, but with a baby, you can’t just get back on the plane.”

Dr Davis explained that social media gave those participan­ts a way to see some of the ‘nitty gritty’ and less positive aspects of motherhood, and to understand that other people were struggling too.

Dr Davis is now expanding on her Ph.D research into new mums’ experience of social media, focussing specifical­ly on health. The issue of immunisati­on is very topical at the moment, with some mums choosing not to vaccinate their children and facing the blow-back from that decision. Dr Davis is interested in the human experience of this issue, particular­ly what informatio­n mums are exposed to on social media and the impact that has on them and their decision-making. With the words ‘fake news’ and ‘click bait’ becoming more prominent, I asked Dr Davis whether she believed mums are exposed to too much misinforma­tion. “There’s a lot of misinforma­tion on social media, but a lot of good informatio­n too. Mums benefit not just from the informatio­n, but also from the social interactio­ns that happen around it.” But, she added, there is a lot of work to be done around media literacy and making sure people have the critical skills to consider the informatio­n they are engaged with. According to Dr Davis, there are real opportunit­ies for public health providers and health agencies to connect with mums in online spaces, but social media has to be authentic. “From my perspectiv­e, it’s really important to understand how mums are experienci­ng social media, so health care providers can come up with the best possible strategies to connect with them,” she says. She believes further exploratio­n is necessary to see how people will feel about connecting with health providers through social media. “I think there would be lots of people who would be open to connecting with organisati­ons, but there are other strategies for getting content into people’s feeds without directly interactin­g with them.” With the topic of online privacy popping up regularly over the last couple of months, I asked Dr Davis whether this was a concern among her participan­ts. She said, for some mums, privacy is a real issue. “Mums are sharing so much about their very private personal experience of mothering and some are very conscious of the fact they’re sharing about another person who’s one day going to grow up and have their own sense of self.” We talked about the prevalence of negativity on social media. She mentioned that she follows a lot of ‘mum-influencer’ types out of personal interest and has often seen them talking about the negativity they experience. Sometimes, mums are attacked for sharing anything from their baby’s feeding schedule to small accidents and injuries. “One of my participan­ts had an experience where she wrote a blog post and she was torn apart in the comments.” A lot of topics on motherhood are severely divisive and political – immunisati­on, attachment parenting, controlled crying, the list goes on – and negative reactions are swift and oft times, brutal. These kinds of reactions online, can lead to mums engaging less and missing out on opportunit­ies to learn from others, or to help others. “It’s sad that it’s a deterrent. There are women out there making the conscious decision to try and help other mothers by being really real about mothering,” Dr Davis says. Dr Davis said she noticed different vibes on different social media platforms. According to her research, people who have blogs and connect on Twitter, tend to have a more positive experience, while mums primarily on Facebook often feel they get unsolicite­d advice whenever they say something. These mums, said Dr Davis, were less inclined to engage again on the same platform. When all is said and done, Dr Davis still believes the benefits to mums significan­tly outweigh the down sides of social media. Social media is a powerful tool to assist new mums, by helping them realise they’re not alone in their insecuriti­es, ignorance and unreadines­s, and by sharing resolution­s to their questions, offering support for their struggles, and relief from their isolation.

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