The Chronicle

Anger against sexism

Councillor shares stories of inappropri­ate conduct

- TOM GILLESPIE tom.gillespie@thechronic­

COUNCILLOR Megan O’Hara Sullivan has been shown inappropri­ate videos by men working in the council.

Her high-profile corporate female friends have been propositio­ned for sex or had items put down their shirts.

“Sometimes it’s something that tips you over the edge and you say you won’t put up with it at all,” she told The Chronicle.

Casual and chronic sexism is ever-present across Toowoomba’s political and corporate landscape, according to the first-term councillor.

The experience that federal Senator Sarah Hanson-Young had to go through with David Leyonhjelm this week struck a chord with Cr O’Hara Sullivan, who said it was an example of how sexism was present in every setting.

“It’s the casualness of it. It’s the casual remarks, the video that someone shows you which you find inappropri­ate,” she said.

“There are girlfriend­s of mine in senior positions who talk about working with men who are throwing cubes of ice down the front of their shirts and making crude remarks.”

Senator Leyonhjelm, who is refusing to apologise for telling Senator Hanson-Young to stop “shagging men” in Canberra, is facing widespread condemnati­on for his remarks.

But Cr O’Hara Sullivan said until both men and women stood up to sexism in regular workplaces across Australia, nothing would change.

“It happens in our lives every day,” she said.

“Women in positions of power need to stand up and say it’s not okay.’’

 ??  ?? STAND AGAINST SEXISM: Cr Megan O’Hara Sullivan.
STAND AGAINST SEXISM: Cr Megan O’Hara Sullivan.

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