The Chronicle



“There is that scatters, and yet increases; and there is that withholds more than is meet, but it tends to poverty.” (Proverbs 11:24 AKJV) Selfishnes­s has its price. Look out for others and God will look out for you.

Our Federal Government had the security agency officer undertake that bugging operation under the guise of “national security”. That operation was a criminal offence under both Australian and Timor Leste law.

In 2004, East Timor’s population was just less than one million people with a gross domestic product of about $US500,000,000. That is, in 2004, Timor Leste earned about $US500 per annum for every man women and child – and was then one of the poorest countries in the World.

In 2004, Australia’s population was just more than 20 million people with our gross domestic product over $US615,000,000,000. In 2004, Australia earned about $US30,750 per annum for every man, women and child – and was then (and still is) one of the richest countries in the World.

So, in 2004, Australia, one of the richest countries in the world, was ripping off Timor Leste, one of the poorest countries in the world.

Late last year, Australia finally agreed to set aside the treaty with Timor Leste but only after the security agency officer tried to give evidence for Timor Leste at the Internatio­nal Court of Arbitratio­n in The Hague.

Australia has finally entered into a new, more generous treaty with Timor Leste but meanwhile is still pocketing billions of dollars in royalties obtained under the earlier treaty.

We only know all this as the security agency officer became a whistleblo­wer and made this disgracefu­l criminal operation public and has now been charged.

Toowoomba readers are entitled to say “What’s that got to do with us?” Well, aside from being ashamed at the actions of our own government, Toowoomba people should think long and hard before believing our Federal Government (of any political persuasion) when it seeks to justify any action “on the grounds of national security”.

Finally, the big question - is the Federal Government bugging our phones?

Well, don’t worry – they’re only doing it “on the grounds of national security”.


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