The Chronicle




REMEMBER how our gas supplies were exported to Asia and then some was bought back to satisfy the needs of our domestic consumers? PM Turnbull had to step in to quarantine enough supplies before export of too much gas

This new National Energy Guarantee scheme seems to be designed by the same dolts who nearly left us gasless. The inner-city Greens are cheering on for wind and solar, but Elon Musk and his fields of Tesla battery power will never run an aluminium smelter. Only coal will do that. As night follows day times will come when, “the sun don’t shine and the wind don’t blow”.

Our coal is being exported to fuel many new power plants in India and China. Maybe the above dolts will plan for large undersea cables to send us back electricit­y?

Try to get your heads around the “NEG for Dummies” online article recently. With evangelica­l Green zeal the policy claims “The NEG aims to deliver more cheaper, more reliable power while lowering carbon emissions. It would require retailers, such as gas, solar and wind farm owners, to sign contracts agreeing to supply a minimum amount of energy that could be available at all times.”

It goes on to require electricit­y sold must have average emissions level that meet our targets set as part of the Paris Agreement.

Turnbull should have had someone to explain it all simply. Richard Branson famously said, “Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicate­d. It’s hard to make something simple. If something can’t be explained on the back of an envelope, it’s rubbish.”

NEG is Turnbull’s John Hewson moment. Liberal leader John Hewson could not explain to Mike Willesee how much GST was on a birthday cake. Hewson lost the election and his leadership.



FRIENDS, as the author of many rejections of free speech, I would like to make a short reply to the speech made in the asylum on capital hill, Canberra, by Senator Fraser Anning, recently regarding immigratio­n.

Friend, freedom of speech, your style is not accepted by most politician­s and all do-gooders.

The latest developmen­t, by a politician is to have the government introduce a code of conduct into parliament, a brake for further loss of freedom of speech.

If introduced, what next, a new flag the red hammer and sickle. Talk about democracy and freedom of speech, hee haw, hee haw.

I agree with Bob Katter when he said, about the speech of Fraser Anning, “I agree with every word you said, 1000%”. Don’t go weak in the knees Fraser, like Pauline. I say “Congratula­tions to you”.

Your friendly atheistic agnostic heathen jewel.



WHEN a Senate seat becomes vacant in Queensland, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk is invited to consider a replacemen­t. It would be a good idea to do this with a House of Representa­tives vacancy instead of holding an expensive by-election.

Also at the moment we have 12 Senators: Fraser Anning (KAP), Andrew Bartlett (AG), Matthew Canavan (NATS), Anthony Chisholm (ALP), Pauline Hanson (PHON), Chris Ketter (ALP), Ian Macdonald (LP), James McGrath (LP), Claire Moore (ALP), Barry O’Sullivan (NATS), Amanda Stoker (LP), Murray Watt (ALP). This is too many and should be reduced down to two per state like the US. IAN YEATES, Toowoomba


I WAS alarmed to read the new study that found that Qld newborns are four times more likely to die if they are born in a rural or regional area as opposed to in a city.

This is a direct result of Labor closing 36 maternity units over the past 26 years. When the LNP was back in, it restored them. When the ALP got back in, it closed them again.

Labor can’t hide behind the health lie any more. Babies are dying, mothers are suffering, and they do nothing. REBECCA ANDERSON, Cambooya

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