The Chronicle



1. Which Australian singersong­writer released the album On a Clear Night in 2007?

2. What was the name of US actress Lisa Kudrow’s character in 90s series Mad About You?

3. Which Academy Award-winning actress voiced Raksha in the 2016 live-action adaptation of The Jungle Book?

4. Which US actor wanted to play police chief Martin Brody in Jaws but was rejected by Steven Spielberg?

5. Mogadishu is the capital of which East African country?

6. Hecate (the queen of the witches) appears in which Shakespear­e play?

7. True or false – US TV star Jerry Springer was born in London’s Highgate tube station?

8. Which US actor, comedian and filmmaker was born Allan Stewart Konigsberg?

9. The Big Bang Theory star Mayim Bialik starred in which US sitcom from 1990–1995?

10. Oscar Wilde said: “I can resist everything except...” what?

11. Which two actors star in 2016 film The Nice Guys?

12. What are the names of Australian supermodel Megan Gale and former AFL player Shaun Hampson’s children?

13. Which children’s novel opens with the line “Where’s Papa going with that axe?”

14. What do Giuseppe Zanotti and Christian Louboutin make?

15. The artist Salvador Dali was born in which country?

16. Which US actress is the star of 2007 movie 27 Dresses?

17. In March 2000, which British business magnate and adventurer was knighted?

18. What is Marty’s surname in the Back to the Future franchise?

19. What was the title of Gregory David Roberts’ semi-autobiogra­phical novel set in Bombay, India?

20. In what year did the Titanic sink?

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