The Chronicle

Remind yourself each time



MUCH attention is focussed when a life is lost.

Recently tragic incidents have befallen people in terrible circumstan­ces – shark attacks, domestic violence and the lone wolf terrorist attack in Melbourne. They were followed by calls for action, a natural response to such terrible events.

Yet our road toll continues to climb, with more than 200 people killed this year.

This different attitude to the tragic loss of life shows our society still accepts death will occur on our roads.

That thinking has to change. Those are not numbers but people – the thousands of lives irrevocabl­y changed by tragedies, most of which are preventabl­e.

Our vision of a zero road toll might sound impossible – but how can we aim for anything less?

We have committed $674 million over four years on safety but even the best roads need good drivers.

Young drivers aged 16–24 are involved in more than double the rate of crashes of older drivers.

As we approach the busy holiday period, it is up to all of us to remember we share the roads with people like us with stories to tell, lives to live and families to return to.

Let’s remember that every time we drive.

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