The Chronicle




1. Bedroom furniture that is identical (4,3)

5. A summer reptile (5)

8. A hut to be beaten in? (9) 9. Dedicated so returned to Scotland Yard initially (3)

10. Returned with a first class bit of bone (5)

12. Take off for moon lap (7) 13. Very fast navy men? (5,8) 15. Tonga’s trick or treat day is partly to do with the stomach (7)

17. Women need a bit of warmth for bread ingredient (5) 19. Singularly came first, we hear (3) 20. Heated urn, perhaps, and removed from 2 (9)

22. Babes jumped out of the baked beans starkers! (5)

23. Daisy stem scaliness shows up in arrangemen­ts (7)


1. No spy is typecast to be silent (5) 2. Iroquois return with a promise note (3)

3. Breathy and word-for-word (2,5) 4. Rose & Ed buckled up on the buses (6-7)

5. Able seaman leans out at right angles to the ship (5)

6. Patient charge for the degree, I heard? (9)

7. Are they in grids in Yorkshire? (7) 11. Tomato meat (9)

13. Go back on Friday to the cape as you heard this (7)

14. Draws in, in this direction (7) 16. Circular course (5)

18. Stood about in the punch-ups (2-3)

21. House’s colour oddly (3)

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