The Chronicle


- WORDS: TRACEY HORDERN .......................

I blame Marie Kondo for the hysterical levels of de-cluttering we are currently witnessing. For my money, some people appear to be taking the craze to a whole new level. The question of does it, or does it not, spark joy is more likely to spark anxiety. It’s all so black and white – and permanent. No wonder it’s stressful.

De-cluttering has come to mean ruthlessly ridding items that may or may not be taking up space. While many of us would admit we are holding on to more than we need, if you set a goal of doing a massive purge, you’re more likely to get overwhelme­d and fail than you are to succeed.

Instead, be realistic about what you have the space for and what you don’t. And the most strategic thing you can do with that knowledge is to organise the things you value most in an efficient and useful way.

Closets, for instance, are often a common source of clutter and confusion. Most of us have heard the directive to purge anything you haven’t worn in the past year. But fashionist­a or not, that can be a horrifying prospect for those of us who attach sentimenta­lity to our clothes.

A realistic compromise would be to reorganise your wardrobe. For instance, hang everything on quality hangers – in some order, such as all your shirts together, facing the same way. You can then arrange them in order of colour, or season. Again, the goal here is to be able to find and see what you have with ease.

Organising is a process that can be revisited a couple of times a year – and if you get rid of some stuff during the process, then you’re doing just fine.

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