The Chronicle




1. Indefatiga­ble and on the wheel rims in the US (8)

7. A bone a long way up part of the leg (5)

8. Descriptiv­e of piano mad Icelander who gets around (7)

9. Fat cats? Stole back company returns (7)

10. An “Everage” sort of lady (4) 12. You won’t see this bloom at night? (3,4)

14. Left no rite reactivate­d (7) 17. Head of clan gets a big old bird but was a little salty we heard (4)

18. Sang bad? Should have used this stopper! (7)

21. The sound of a crocheting rodent? (3-1-3)

22. No Dungeons & Dragons student on the fourth of July strangely (5)

23. This covers over and a haven for spiders inside (8)


1 & 14dn. Narrow-mindedness – like a mole? (6,6)

2. An Italian city dweller with a twitch? How fanciful (8)

3. In Spain, even second alcaldes is one of the boys (4)

4 & 15dn. A new graduation title passed in the burns unit? ... (6,6)

5. ... bone up but come to nothing. I could put it on paper (4)

6. See 16

7. A new colour for the shirt dressing? Maybe it was in this style (3-4)

11. Outstandin­gly but with a handicap (7)

13. Ate tired over and over again (8) 14. See 1

15. See 4

16 & 6dn. What two shy chicks got drunk on (6,6)

19. Has 40 winks if off (4) 20. Tailless weasel found in the portico (4)


Across: 1 & 12ac. Lancashire hotpot, 9. Antonio, 10. Oasts, 11. Argus, 14. Coccyx, 16. Parent, 19. Plasma, 21. Badge, 24 & 25ac. Green fingers, 26. Guatemalan.

Down: 2. Amnesty, 3. Clothe, 4. Scoot, 5. In store, 6. Erse, 7. Balance, 8. Stag, 13. Atheist, 15. Caldera, 17. Albania, 18. Maffia, 20. Since, 22. Diet, 23. Agog.

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