The Chronicle

Surprise visitor caught in street


DOGS franticall­y barking, mysterious energy drinks left in her driveway.

Warwick resident Chloe Ballinger was confused but didn’t think much of it until she dug further, revealing the surprise visit of a lifetime.

Mrs Ballinger, who lives east of the town centre, woke on Friday to find a can propped up in the centre of her driveway.

Intrigued, she decided to have a look at surveillan­ce cameras that monitored her house to see who left it there — but what she found was much more interestin­g.

“I kind of looked through the footage, fast forwarding, when I first saw something that looked like a dog running up our driveway and a man taking photos,” she said.

“I soon realised it was a koala, who stopped out the front of our driveway and started climbing our carport pole.”

She soon realised why her usually quiet dogs had been barking all morning too.

“I just assumed it was a cat or dog at the fence, but the poor thing must have been freaking out,” she said.

“It’s lucky it was on this side of the fence. I’m sure it would have been distressed.”

Ms Ballinger believed the native friend was likely only there for 15 minutes before a good Samaritan put down his energy drink, picked up the koala in his jacket and carried it towards scrubland further down the street.

While Ms Ballinger didn’t know the man, she wanted to thank him for saving the precious creature.

“(But) I am kind of disappoint­ed I missed out on it,” she said. “I think my kids would have loved to see it.”

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