The Chronicle

New home warranty


I AM writing to all who have made or hope to make the commitment in purchasing a new or recently built home.

I recently made such a purchase when I discovered that seven years after build date, cracks in the floor slab caused floor tiles to lift and break. The tiler had failed to put any expansion joints in the floor tiles.

I discovered the warranty period for my investment in my home was six years and six months, a little less than my car warranty. The warranty period for minor matters is just seven months which seems a very brief period of time when considerin­g everything that you need to do when moving into a new home.

One may expect a respected builder would do better; No, they would not even look at the problem as I was outside the warranty period.

The Queensland Building and Constructi­on Commission (QBCC) is unable to assist as the matter is outside the warranty period so it leaves me to look at court (QCAT), my insurance policy or hip pocket.

I have since discovered that the building warranty scheme is currently under review, they have a current “community consultati­on” period under way until August 31, 2021, nothing like a short, quiet community consultati­on period.

I urge all people who wish to have input in such an issue please go online to homewarran­tyscheme and complete the survey.

I grant, it is difficult to find and access as expected from a government community consultati­on process.

If you believe you should have a better warranty on the house you have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on than the car parked in the garage or nearly the washing machine in the laundry then get online and have your say.

In my view, 10 years warranty on major structural issues would be justifiabl­e.

BILL WORDEN, Meringanda­n West

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