The Chronicle




For some people, the first clue is when the hairs start to rise on the back of their neck. Other folk feel it in their gut, or their ‘bones’. These are just some of the subtle signs and signals which indicate that our intuition is trying to converse with our intellect. There’s little you like more than feeling inspired. And under today’s positive cosmic climate, bucket loads of inspiratio­n are up for grabs. Pay close attention to what your inner-voice is trying to tell you. It’s giving excellent advice that deserves and needs to be acted upon. Free audio and video forecasts. Go to

LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

As your ruler, the Sun, harmonises with lucky Jupiter, it’s time to speak up. You’ve been putting up with a situation; wary of saying too much and of possibly starting something you’re unable to finish. You’ve been intimidate­d into an unhealthy silence. But enough is enough! Today, you have the insight and confidence to say what needs to be said. The satisfacti­on of getting something off your chest isn’t only going to feel liberating: it will start things moving along a surprising­ly satisfying tangent – towards well-deserved success. Free audio and video forecasts. Go to


Many business models work on the fact that humans don’t really know what they need (or what would be good for them). They work out the best advertisin­g strategy, knowing that if they keep repeating their message people will believe it. And it works! Instead of asking ourselves ‘Is this something I need?’ We say, ‘I’ve heard about this. It’s highly recommende­d. I’m going to get it’. Under such a positive astrologic­al climate, don’t be tempted to waste your energy (or money) today. If you work out what you really need, you can have it. Free audio and video forecasts. Go to


Writers and poets, artists and musicians all know that it’s best not to question inspired ideas. Our critical minds have a way of rationalis­ing them. And that’s a sure-fire way to stem creativity. So, on a day when there’s so much inspiratio­n in the air, don’t be suspicious of your inner-voice. Assume that what it’s saying is what you most need to hear – and make your choices accordingl­y. As your ruler, Venus, links to Mercury (intellect) your natural creativity is enhanced. Open your heart to new, exciting possibilit­ies today. Don’t miss out... completely free audio and video forecasts. Go to


The weather in the UK used to be predictabl­e. These days, there are unseasonab­ly warm days in winter, and freakish downpours just when you’ve decided to hang the washing out! People leave their homes wrapped up in scarves and puffer jackets... and quickly find themselves sweltering. Or get caught in a rainstorm without a coat. It’s hard to know what to expect. But, when it comes to the astrologic­al weather, there’s no doubting today’s forecast. Your life’s getting warmer and brighter. Make sure you dress for some sun. Free audio and video forecasts. Go to


In this crazily frenetic world, sometimes it’s important to ‘chill out’. But we need to be careful not to spend too much time chilling. After all, what is heat but an abundance of energy? And energy is definitely a necessary and good thing... although too much can be problemati­c too. As the Sun links with Jupiter today, you’re on the verge of a potentiall­y transformi­ng discovery. But rather than jumping up and down with excitement, conserve your energy. This is the first step of a long journey down a very exciting road. Completely free audio and video forecasts. Go to


Although we know that life isn’t easy, that doesn’t stop us dreaming about being able to make perfect progress. Yet, in those rare moments when things fall neatly into place, we tend to be suspicious. Today though, you won’t have to entertain such concerns. You’ve been wrestling with a challenge. Your efforts to resolve it seem to have made it even more complex. It’s a wonder you didn’t just give up. Yet as your ruler, Mercury, links with Venus, just one more determined push will bring the result you seek and deserve. Oscar’s gift... completely free audio and video forecasts. Go to


Even non-mathematic­ians know that Pythagoras was a clever guy who worked out an important theory about triangles. Few people, though, know that he was fascinated by astrology. Whether (or not) his knowledge of the planets helped him to work out his theorem, we’ll never know. You’re currently dealing with a complex conundrum. It involves numbers and sums... and is proving to be frustratin­gly difficult to solve. Today’s helpful astrologic­al climate brings a moment of insight. The answer is surprising­ly simple. There’s more... completely free audio and video forecasts. Go to


We tend to believe that competitio­n makes us strive harder and perform better. That there’s a danger in believing ourselves to be at the top of our game: that we stop trying to do our best, and make ourselves vulnerable to others – who are still hungry for success. That we lose our motivation and our search for innovation. But there’s a danger, too, in focusing our sights too high. We can lose track of who we are and what makes us happy. Under auspicious skies, if you consider your own needs, you’ll find satisfacti­on today. Our gift to you... completely free audio and video forecasts. Go to


I drive quite a large car. It’s not great for parking, but it’s necessary to transport my family (and all our parapherna­lia) on various trips to visit relatives and friends. When we arrive anywhere, we’ve always got so much stuff that we barely have time to unpack before we’re setting off again! Yet for something so cumbersome, it’s surprising­ly easy to manoeuvre. And a system of mirrors gives me a perfect view out the back. Glancing over your shoulder needn’t be a sign of anxiety today. Actually, you might spot something exciting. Free audio and video forecasts. Go to


No matter the subject, when we listen to someone talk about what they love, their excitement is infectious. Hadron colliders. Pterodacty­ls. 1950s music. Whatever it is, and whatever our own interest in that subject, their enthusiasm can’t help but draw us in. Personally, I find it wonderful that we can be inspired by other people’s interests and passions. If you’d like some support, and want to recruit someone to your cause today, the solution’s simple: just show them how much it matters to you. Free audio and video forecasts. Go to


Some people seem to love creating havoc. They’re at their happiest when they’re stirring up trouble and sticking their oars into other folk’s business. And they’re careful to make their mayhem out of sight. They’re skilled at the art of subtle putdowns. Their carefully crafted criticisms lodge away in the back of our minds, and undermine our confidence. Don’t be tempted to react if someone presses your buttons today. You’ve got far more important things to attend to. Focus your attention on a long-held goal. And believe. Ready now... completely free audio and video forecasts. Go to

 ?? ?? It was Internatio­nal Men’s Day at the weekend. Did you notice all the females piping up and asking, “When’s Internatio­nal Women’s Day then?” on social media? No? Ah, so maybe I’ve found something men really are better at than women – unjustifie­d righteous indignatio­n! But it’s not my intention to point fingers or start an argument. I just want to mention that, as the Sun and Jupiter harmonise, there’s a better way to take the moral high ground. The Mercury/Venus link suggests we’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
It was Internatio­nal Men’s Day at the weekend. Did you notice all the females piping up and asking, “When’s Internatio­nal Women’s Day then?” on social media? No? Ah, so maybe I’ve found something men really are better at than women – unjustifie­d righteous indignatio­n! But it’s not my intention to point fingers or start an argument. I just want to mention that, as the Sun and Jupiter harmonise, there’s a better way to take the moral high ground. The Mercury/Venus link suggests we’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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