The Chronicle


- Alex Mitchell – New York Post

It’s handy to know what your iPhone is doing to your digits.

Techies and mobile phone users fear that their mobile devices, when pressing down on their pinky during normal phone use, are leaving a mark or indentatio­n on the pinky — otherwise known as “iPhone finger”.

The iOS-inspired conspiracy was recently discussed on podcast The TJ Show, where hosts became convinced the pinky they use to support their phones had a noticeable divot, appearing to differ from the appendage on the opposite hand, the New York Post.

However, the alleged birth of the seeming dent — also known as “smartphone pinky,” among other monikers — was tossed aside by experts.

“Most of these images (of indents or gaps) don’t highlight a problem. They show typical pinky anatomy, which can vary widely,” said

Dr Peter Evans, an orthopaedi­c surgeon with the Cleveland Clinic.

Occupation­al therapist April Hibbeler and hand surgeon Dr Michael Geary of Ortho Carolina agree.

In an explanatio­n about the “musculoske­letal ‘phenomenon,’” they added that there is no official diagnosis for “iPhone finger”.

“Constant mobile phone use can cause a range of joint problems. While some claims of injury might be overstated, others are real and involve serious, longterm damage,” Dr Evans said.

He warned that some of these include clinodacty­ly, a genetic finger malformati­on causing the tip of the pinky to bend close to the ring finger.

There is also Dupuytren’s contractur­e, when thick cords form beneath the skin over years and yank fingers close to the palm.

The surgeon says “smartphone elbow” — known medically as cubital tunnel syndrome — is quite real.

It happens to people who bend their elbow beyond 90 degrees in long durations, commonly to text.

Additional­ly, Dr Evans says to be on guard for the dreaded “texting thumb” or neck.

“Your thumb joints aren’t made to text and swipe all day long,” he said.

“Overuse can aggravate underlying conditions, like arthritis, or cause new problems in the thumb tendons.”

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