The Gold Coast Bulletin

Waits fuelling DV rows Parents face four-month delay to sort difference­s


tre is four months and bookings with a major private service could take as long as five months. The delays in family management hearings occur as the Turnbull Government launches a review into the family law system.

“This a very concerning wait for families who are in crisis,” said Burleigh family lawyer and domestic violence services specialist Marie Fedorov.

“Mediation centres help separating couples reach agreements in the best interests of children and help parents to coparent co-operativel­y.”

Ms Fedorov said the mediator identified the disputes, allowed the parties to have their say and developed solutions that could be used for consent orders.

“Often separated couples argue about money and children. Where will the children live? Who will they spend time with on Christmas morning? Who will pick them up at school and take them to (training)?

“These disputes can often result in domestic violence that lands people in the domestic violence speciality court.”

The number of domesitc violence assaults has ballooned 66 per cent on the Coast after more people reported abuse in the wake of the high-profile murders of Tara Brown, Karina Lock, Shelsea Schilling and Teresa Bradford. Legal and welfare services are stretched as at least 280 Coast frightened women stay in motels due to the lack of shelters.

The Turnbull Government has announced an $80 million boost in frontline family law services with $12.7 million funded to help establish parent man- agement meetings. Ms Fedorov welcomed the announceme­nt but is concerned about delays given there were 3548 applicatio­ns for protection orders in 2016 at the Southport domestic violence speciality court.

“The Government’s budget decision will hopefully reduce the number of couples coming through the system. While the parenting management hearings will be initially rolled out in Sydney, I hope the Gold Coast will be selected as the second place to benefit.”

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