The Gold Coast Bulletin



I FEEL Australian­s should be very proud of their leader.

Whatever one’s political leanings are, our Prime Minister is a statesman, very well spoken, very well dressed and looks very much at home with fellow world leaders.

He also appears to be a popular leader and well accepted by other like statesmen.

He is doing Australia proud.


THE animal rights movement outlawed dogfights and cockfights a long time ago.

The One Punch Can Kill campaign is trying to stop mindless violence, especially from those who have drunk too much.

It is contradict­ory then to have a spectacle like the Roman gladiators, where the only object is to hurt the other.

Boxing is a senseless cause of brain damage. There are plenty of alternativ­e sports using fitness, agility and quick thinking.

About time we outlawed boxing.


RE: Larissa Waters’ comments opposing a casino (GCB, 8/7).

Sorry, Larissa, you have it wrong. I live on the Gold Coast and am yet to speak to a person who doesn’t want a casino and cruise ship terminal on The Spit.

But, hey, you are an ex-lawyer now politician so why let the truth

ever get in the way of a good story?

Larissa, the public are tired of you and your minority groups making up falsehoods for your selfservin­g benefit.

The sooner we find a way to run a country without your lot (and by that I mean all politician­s), the better we will all be. Until this happens, try to find a way to be part of the solutions not the problems.

Now go away and make yourself a kale sandwich along with a mung bean smoothie and let the real people get on with the real world.


WENT to Surfers on a recent Saturday for first time in a year.

The place is a disgrace; dirty and cheap looking, especially the public convenienc­e near Cavill Mall. That style of sheet metal exterior belongs in a national park at best.

What chance of restoratio­n when the council sets the bar so low? No wonder it’s a ghost town

with empty shops everywhere. Tell me we have a consolidat­ed plan to restore some dignity to the place.

Was actually researchin­g a 3D street art exhibition location – guess Broadbeach will have to do.


JUST returned from Sydney where I used public transport with their Opal Card, which is similar to our Go Card.

TransLink needs to visit NSW and see how it is done.

All day travel for seniors state wide at $2.50 per day and on Sundays, all users pay a maximum of $2.50 for the entire day.

Wake up, TransLink. Don’t be ashamed to use another states’ smarter idea.

Cheaper fares all round gets users on to public transport. You are ripping Queensland­ers off.

PS: No fare, no ride policy works there too. Don’t be scared to try it.


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