The Gold Coast Bulletin




In the 1990s Alanis Morissette scored a worldwide hit with Ironic. ‘It’s like rain on your wedding day, it’s a free ride when you’ve already paid’. Her lyrics sparked a long-running discussion as to whether her examples were ironic at all. But that didn’t stop millions of people buying the track. Whatever the pedants may say, Ironic has become a pop classic. It shows that creative people, who free themselves from the constraint­s of over-analysis, can do great things. It’s a lesson that can inspire you today. Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast: 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

My son is an only child. I often think that I’m spoiling him. But then I remind myself that one of the benefits that partly makes up for his lack of fraternal relationsh­ips, is being spoiled by his parents! You may have a multitude of siblings, or you may have no family to speak of - but, either way, the universe is doing its best to look after you now. Venus is entering your sign. It speaks of love, beauty, kindness and, yes, even wealth, heading your way. Try to remember it’s a privilege and not a right, and nothing will spoil your weekend! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast: 1900 959 005.


Things can be completely misinterpr­eted. Take the Beatles song, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. It enraged the critics who thought it was about drug abuse. The lyrics were colourful and surreal, while the key words in the title spelled out LSD, a hallucinog­enic drug, popular with some artists at the time. Apparently, it was actually inspired by a painting by John Lennon’s young son. Things don’t have to be logical to be worthwhile. Silliness can be healthy - as you’ll find if you embrace the absurd in your life today. Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast: 1900 959 005.


How often have you seen pictures of a celebrity and thought, ‘He or she has had a bit of work done’? It isn’t just the stars who are striving for a new look. Many an article urges us to have a makeover - change our hair, refresh our wardrobe, or consider cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic is the word. If we really want to change our lives, we must go further than skin deep. As Venus, your sign’s ruler changes its path, you have the opportunit­y to redefine who you are, and plot a course to a better future.

Big changes are due between now and the September Full Moon. Call 1900 959 005.


Have you got a feeling that something’s not right? That there’s a hole where something ought to be? That there’s a link missing somewhere? Often we can’t quite put our finger on exactly what it is or, instead, we prefer to bury the emotion beneath a patchwork of distractio­n and rationalis­ation. But, rather than heal the wound, they only cover it. There’s no shame in how you’re feeling. Rather than letting it drag you down, why don’t you harness your powerful emotions and let them drive you on to new and dizzying heights?

Big changes are due between now and the September Full Moon. Call 1900 959 005.


There’s something about having hope that makes us feel vulnerable. As soon as you want something, you have something to lose - even if it’s just a prospect, or a chance. Hence the phrase, ‘Don’t get your hopes up.’ Hope paves the way for disappoint­ments and failures. But isn’t that too cynical an outlook? If what you’re hoping for right now isn’t realistic, why can’t you simply shelve that dream for later? If you are not yet prepared to chase a dream now, put it aside and return to it when you’re ready. Big changes are due between now and the September Full Moon. Call 1900 959 005.


A person has two faces: the one they show to the world, and the one they keep to themselves. I’m not suggesting that everyone is duplicitou­s. No. But we all have sides we prefer to keep hidden – sometimes even from ourselves. You’ve been thrown off balance by the discovery of a different side to someone you know well. It’s disconcert­ing. But you haven’t been deceived. If you can be happy, feel honoured even, that you’ve had a chance to see another side to this person, you may find yourself opening up too. Lift your spirits! Dial in your date of birth! Call 1900 959 005.


How can you ensure that informatio­n reaches the corners of the world? Put it on the internet? Send a text? Send a messenger? These are all good answers. But, no. You whisper it in a carefully chosen ear and swear them to secrecy. Before you know it the whole world will know! You’ve been searching high and low for a piece of informatio­n. You’ve done everything right, checked all the right avenues and sources but it’s still eluding you. Just be pragmatic. The answers are on their way. Lift your spirits! Dial in your date of birth! Call 1900 959 005.


You’ve been feeling as if everything’s come to a standstill. Your ruler, Saturn, has been in retrograde for quite some time. This week, it appears to stand still in the sky, before moving in the right direction once again. As Saturn continues its journey, you’ll begin to see progress with a troubling issue. But, time has passed… and your previous solutions may no longer be quite so appropriat­e. Your hands are no longer tied. You’ve shaken free of a restrictio­n. Be brave enough to embark upon a different path. Lift your spirits! Dial in your date of birth! Call 1900 959 005.


‘So long honey, babe, Where I’m bound I can’t tell, Goodbye is too good a word, babe, So I just say fare thee well,’ sings Davy Graham on my favourite version of the Dylan classic. It’s an acerbic song of departure, yet there’s a broader acceptance in its tone. Fortunatel­y the astrologic­al parting you’re experienci­ng is more sweet than sorrowful. Venus leaving your sign marks the beginning of period in which you can appreciate­d steadfast kindness and compassion. In other words, ‘don’t think twice, it’s all right’!

Change your future! Dial in your date of birth!

Call 1900 959 005.


It’s clear that you’re being consumed by something. So, what, or who are you allowing to have this power over you? Do you think that whoever is behind this is losing any sleep? If not, then you shouldn’t be either. When it becomes obvious that your words are falling on ears that don’t want to hear you, it’s time to start moving on. Your time and resources are too valuable to waste on someone who will not extend the same to you. Letting this go will open you up to some exciting prospects. Change your future! Dial in your date of birth! Call 1900 959 005.


Wouldn’t we be happier if we just relaxed? Surely we’re not meant to live a life of stress, deadlines, ambition and strife? Maybe we should take a step back, stop worrying so much, quit thinking so hard, and do nothing for a while. There’s nothing that says we have to push ourselves every day, or that a life less full of socially recognised success is less valuable. But, in one way or other, these things are essential to our happiness. It might not be evident now, but as the weekend progresses you’ll understand. Change your future! Dial in your date of birth! Call 1900 959 005.

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