The Gold Coast Bulletin



was travelling on Smith Street on Monday, and beside me in a twodoor white BMW was a lady texting while driving. I do have her number plate (where’s my policeman’s hat when I need it?).

As we know it is illegal to use a mobile phone in your hand when driving ie: phone / texting. If caught it is a $350 fine.

What if the Government/law made it compulsory that if caught using a mobile phone, the following fines will apply:

1st offence, $200 fine and loss of licence for one month.

2nd offence, a bigger fine and six-month licence suspension.

3rd offence, a bigger fine and two-year suspension of licence.

This will decrease the traffic on the M1 by at least 50 per cent and the P-Platers by more than half. KJB, SOUTHPORT

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