The Gold Coast Bulletin



AFTER the discovery at Fingal Head and the disturbing photo of 15 dead sharks was published earlier this week it is timely to remind everyone of the massive fines for breaking the bag limits set by our fisheries.

Not only are you threatenin­g the species by keeping more than your bag limit and taking undersize fish, it is just not worth the risk as the fines are massive.

Last year a man was fined $15,000 here on the Gold Coast for having seven undersized male crabs, four female crabs and an undersize bream.

Also last year two men received fines totalling $20,000 after being caught with female and undersize crabs here on the Gold Coast.

I encourage any fisherman who see someone not obeying the bag limits to report them.

Nobody likes a dobber but if we all want to have sustainabl­e fishing we have to hold those being irresponsi­ble accountabl­e.

To report suspected illegal fishing activity, call the Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116.

 ??  ?? Melinda Henderson scored this awesome mangrove jack last weekend. Local guide Russell Gage put his clients on to some big jewies like this Jumpinpin bopper.
Only thing better than catching a marlin is releasing one and that’s what the Mufasa...
Melinda Henderson scored this awesome mangrove jack last weekend. Local guide Russell Gage put his clients on to some big jewies like this Jumpinpin bopper. Only thing better than catching a marlin is releasing one and that’s what the Mufasa...
 ??  ??

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