The Gold Coast Bulletin



MY mate Ross went for a walk on the beach last week and couldn’t have been happier with what he spotted, turtle tracks made from a nesting turtle on one of our northern beaches.

It is rare for turtles to nest here on the Gold Coast although Sea World say this is the second nest they have been made aware of this year, leading some to speculate whether the rough surf has caused an emergency pit stop for the pregnant turtle.

Most turtles nest much further north in warmer waters around Bundaberg.

Here is the cool part for us Gold Coasters, in around 50 days these eggs will hatch.

The survival rate for infant turtles is very low unfortunat­ely, but if one survives, turtles return to the exact spot they were born when it is time for them to nest. And given turtles live for up to 80 years we could have turtles returning to our beach for a long time.

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