The Gold Coast Bulletin



● For a city where developmen­t is one of the biggest industries, what can be done to protect green space as the amount of land which can be developed shrinks rapidly?

● With plans for a Borobi koala reserve being created, what other steps must be taken to protect the region’s native species?

● What must be done to improve the quality of the city’s waterways as well as clean up the beaches and Hinterland?

● With many services at capacity at the Gold Coast’s hospitals, what can be done to relieve our hard-working medical practition­ers?

● What must be done to reduce waiting times and ramping at these hospitals?

● As the Health and Knowledge Precinct takes shape, what more will have to be done to expand it and ensure it captures its full potential?

● The Health and Knowledge Precinct was developed as a way of diversifyi­ng the city’s economy - but with this comes the need for more profession­als working here. What can be done to attract them?

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