The Gold Coast Bulletin




What does it actually mean when there’s trouble afoot? Do you need to start questionin­g every choice you’ve made that has brought you to this point? Are you the recipient of a reprimand because of past mistakes? Although you may be tempted to jump to such a conclusion, as your ruler, Mars, makes a lovely link to Venus, don’t overlook the possibilit­y you’re being shown exactly where you need to focus your attention and your energy. Then, put as much as you can of it into your utmost hope. Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

You’re known for your compassion. You’re always happy to put your own plans away and focus on the needs of the people around you. What fine qualities to embody. I need to remind you, though, that you’re not an emotional superhero, with a cape big enough and strong enough that you can carry the cares of the world on your shoulders. You’ve reached your limit yet you’re still being pulled past it. Today, as Venus and Mars link, once you’ve done your best, you’ll find the energy to stop.

Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

Is there someone setting the rules and creating your agenda? Who’s the person who says what’s OK and what’s not? It’s you! Although you’re not the only person in your world with a voice that needs to be heard, you control the choices you make. So why allow somebody to wield their wand and exert so much power over you? Ah, but maybe there’s a side of you that’s secretly happy with the way that things are! You might need to learn to love something you currently resent. Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


Recently I heard a wonderful old song that I wanted to share with you. Today, as Venus is energised by a link to dynamic Mars, it feels appropriat­e. You’ll have to imagine the tune! ‘I want to be happy, but I won’t be happy, till I make you happy too.’ It’s hard to imagine what could bring more happiness your way than bringing a smile to someone. Never mind that you can never be certain that you won’t be unconsciou­sly making someone unhappy. Today do what feels right, and you can share your joy. Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


Love is not a complicate­d game of chess. It’s just not possible to predict someone else’s choice of moves and plan your play in advance.. Rational, detachment is not a useful quality. Yet we all still need to use our intellect even when it comes to matters of the heart. As Venus and Mars align today, focus on the most beautiful, intangible aspects of your life. You don’t need to control the way the moves are made today. Celebrate what’s most baffling you, and you’ll see its hidden delights. Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


How easy is it to extricate yourself from a troublesom­e situation? About as simple as it was to find your way into it! It’s easy for us to think that we fall into difficulti­es in a moment of mayhem but that it will take a lifetime to redress the problem. Thus we spend time dwelling on our trials and tribulatio­ns, dedicating much more time and energy than they deserve. Actually, they can usually be cleared up with about as much energy as they took to create. You’re well on your way to fixing a problem.

Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


No scientist has been able to prove that love exists. They have, though, demonstrat­ed that when an area of our brain is stimulated, we act with greater warmth towards one another. Scientists also think our concept of beauty follows a very clear and rational algorithm. As for there being a divine presence, that seems to be a very personal matter – although there are some chemicals that have been known to give people a strong sense of faith. Your feelings are valid even if you can’t explain them. Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


Time is a precious gift because none of us have an eternity to spend here on our planet. The more we’re able to appreciate each moment, the more fulfilled we feel. We tend to forget that there’s always an opportunit­y waiting. We’re so consumed by worry there’s little time left to appreciate and be nourished by the gifts available – if we only take the time to look for them. As your ruler settles in your sign, and links to Mars today, you can do something that feels good for you, and is good.

Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


Given the cosmic climate, with your ruler setting off back across the sky, you might be wondering whether there’s anything to look forward to. Yet you’re not en route to discoverin­g something you wanted and have lost the ability to have. Nor will you be obliged to abandon hope of attaining a long-held aspiration. Today’s link between Mars and Venus is a reassuring presence that should help you to banish your worries. You can make gentle moves ahead today.

Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


With the planet of surprises retrograde, you’re finding yourself wondering what you can do to make a difference in your world. Here’s an idea… you could help to invent a potion that, when added to the water supply, enables people to lay their judgments and prejudices to one side so they value tolerance and considerat­ion. In you own way, you can have this effect today. As Venus and Mars link, they bring you the possibilit­y to spread your way of looking at life. Channel all the kindness you can. Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


You seem to be surrounded by folk who have their own agendas which they want to share with you. They’re trying all sorts of ways to get your attention and pull you into their business. Yet you have important matters of your own to deal with which merit your attention. As Venus and Mars link, it’s time to invest in a pair of celestial earplugs so that you hear only what you need to hear. You have the impetus to make valuable progress on something you’ve been putting off. The rest can wait. Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.


When people have formed strong opinions they enjoy nothing more than expressing them in a certain tone of voice. You’ve heard it recently. It offers no space for dialogue and no room for compromise. It may be based on the flimsiest of ideas, but it is delivered with such confidence that it does a very good job of silencing criticism. Yet you know what’s good and fair. You know that what you’re hearing isn’t quite right. As Mars and Venus link today, you can find the courage to tell it like it is. Powerful possibilit­ies arise as free-thinking Uranus changes direction. Call 1900 959 005.

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