The Gold Coast Bulletin

Consequenc­es mount after 40 years of climate fables


AFTER 40 years of scare-stories, here’s a list of the only “disastrous consequenc­es of climate change” observed so far.

1. Exorbitant energy prices.

2. A weakened and less reliable electricit­y grid.

3. Reduced national wealth from the loss of manufactur­ing jobs, skills and equipment.

4. Less capacity to feed ourselves because potential irrigation water is flushed out to sea unused.

5. Enormous and unnecessar­y additional costs for mining, (our main export income).

6. The dumbing-down of our academic institutio­ns to accommodat­e a failed hypothesis as factual.

7. A handicappi­ng of the nation’s ability to adapt to any changed conditions, climate or otherwise.

8. The vast opportunit­y costs of being distracted by a hoax.

9. A significan­t loss of national sovereignt­y to unelected foreign bureaucrat­s.

10. Being lectured by clueless zealots on concepts well beyond their capacity to understand.

We’re desperatel­y in need of a Trump-like leader to call time on this rubbish.

Recently, climate carpetbagg­ers met in Bangkok and admitted the UN’s Paris climate accord has stalled.

Then Prime Minister Scott Morrison announces we’ll be adhering to the Paris agreement that Turnbull signed.

Turnbull self-destructed over Paris and the Liberals are down an MP – but they’ve learned nothing.

They have more loyalty to a failed UN wealth redistribu­tion scheme than to their own voters.

The climate carpetbagg­ers want Western money and technology transferre­d to the third world.

The third world uses it to build lots and lots of CO2-emitting coal-fired power stations.

But “climate change” means we must close ours down and replace them with unreliable­s.

The Liberals need to decide who they work for – Australia or the UN?


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