The Gold Coast Bulletin


Junior athletes are well aware of the physical commitment needed to play sport. This article outlines ways they can train their mind.


PARENTS and athletes have an understand­ing of the term “mindfulnes­s”.

This relates to someone being grounded, on how to deal with situations that arise to decrease anxiety and help people to focus on the task at hand.

Hopefully some of the practices below will help you with difficult situations.

I’m sure you’ve heard of “being mindful’’.

From mental health experts to athletes, it’s being looked at as the next big shift in psychology.

The truth is that mindfulnes­s has been around for hundreds of years, practised in the Eastern parts of the world. The West is slowly catching on.

Don’t worry, it’s not too complex. The main idea involves focusing your attention to the present moment with an open-minded and compassion­ate attitude.

These techniques could help you cope with many difficult situations in life.

Here are seven techniques to practise mindfulnes­s.

They might seem difficult at first but if you keep at it, they’ll benefit you for life.


Being grateful for the blessings in our lives is one of the most important habits you could develop.

It reminds us to enjoy what we have, rather than desiring what others have.

To practise gratitude, write down three things you are grateful for as soon as you wake up. Be as specific as you can be – specificit­y is key to fostering gratitude.

It will take only 15 minutes. The goal of the exercise is to remember a good time, person or experience in your life and enjoy the good emotions that flow.


THIS will anchor you to the present moment.

Draw your attention to the pads of your feet and palms.

Notice the pressure of your feet against the floor, the heat and or cold, the comfort or discomfort, feel it all slowly.

Once you’ve become aware of your feet and palms, then clench your hands into tight fists and release.

Clench. Release.



This focuses the mind on your body, which will put you in the present moment.

You can expect your mind to wander, and when it does, return your attention to your feet.


WHEN practising mindfulnes­s, you don’t have to manipulate your emotions to stay in the present moment; just take in your surroundin­gs.

Allow your mind to let go and relax.

Then you can notice the wonderful sights and sounds around you.

Even as you’re reading this article, perhaps your hand is touching a mouse or a phone. Feel this sensation.

Notice any objects near you, such as the items on your coffee table.

Expand your awareness to encompass your entire environmen­t.

Notice the colours of your surroundin­gs.

Become aware of any sounds happening around you.

Without mentally or verbally commenting on what you notice, just take a moment to become aware of these things.


MOST meditation techniques focus on breathing and for good reason: It’s a great way to relax and centre your energy.

To begin, inhale for three seconds and exhale for three seconds.

As you get more practice, you can increase the amount of seconds, which will enhance the centring and relaxation process.


NEXT time you’re talking to someone, try to notice the time in which you judge the person you’re speaking with.

Once you’ve noticed, you can attempt to avoid judging and focus on the content of the conversati­on.

Judgments cause us to be bias and not really listen to what others have to say.


MINDFUL eating means paying full attention to the experience of eating or drinking everything.

Both on the inside and outside of the body.

Pay attention to the flavours, textures, colours, smells, temperatur­es, and even the sounds of your food.

Pay close attention to the experience of your body.

Literally try to feel your body and use all of your senses as you eat.

You’ll begin to realise what food your body thrives on and what foods to avoid.


THE shower is the perfect time to practise mindfulnes­s.

Simply watch the beautiful water hit your skin and embrace the wonder of life.

Next you have a shower, become aware of how good the hot water feels as it washes your skin.

Take in the smell of the body-wash and the sensations of your hands passing over your skin.

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