The Gold Coast Bulletin



Venus is moving into a position where it is face-to-face with Uranus again. It first lined up opposite the planet of surprise in early September and, due to its retrograde movement, has remained there or thereabout­s ever since. Now moving forwards, Venus makes a final link with Uranus this weekend, before re-entering Scorpio and leaving this tumultuous relationsh­ip behind. It’s the chance for hearts to go wild before ‘bedding-in’ for longed-for changes. Any actions taken now must be committed to with feeling. Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.


Stand up tall today! Be confident. Carry yourself with pride. That’s not to suggest that you should be arrogant or haughty … but it’s really not the time to be feeling inconseque­ntial or irrelevant. As Venus prepares to link with Uranus, there are extremes in the air. So, if you’re going to opt for one or the other, choose ease and self-assurance this weekend. And, since confidence has a way of breeding confidence, if you act in a certain manner and believe in yourself, you might inspire the folk around you, too! December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

While some people believe that we have freedom of choice, others think that everything is preordaine­d. Yet what about those people who choose to think that they have no choice? Or those who are destined to get to a time when they have to make a decision? When you start to consider the complicate­d philosophi­es lying behind our personal theories about life, it gets extremely complicate­d. This weekend, if you want to make people happy, you need to let them feel as if they’re making the decisions. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


No wonder you feel uncomforta­ble and slightly tense. You’re standing on the threshold of success – which is a very similar feeling to being perched on a precipice of change. Not to mention the fact that you’re attempting a difficult task. Other folk facing the same circumstan­ces might be tempted to give up. Yet your determinat­ion is going to carry you over this threshold and into a place where you feel able to relax and enjoy your success. Don’t rush this weekend, and trust your intuition. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


If you can only do what you can do to set the right example, what’s the best policy to follow when you’re not making progress? Is it reasonable to abandon ship, become sceptical and start acting out of character? As Venus and Uranus link this weekend, it makes sense to hold on tightly to what you know, in your heart, to be right. It’s good to acknowledg­e your worries, but if adhering to your principles is leaving you vulnerable to other people, remember that just doing your best is enough. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005


Can you see into the future? Or do you doubt your divinatory abilities? Perhaps you’re looking for reassuranc­e that your intuitive powers are reliable? As Venus and Uranus link, there’s a chance that you might be feeling overawed by the size of what’s on your horizon. But your vision is spot on. The problem is more likely to be that you’re struggling to believe what you see. If you don’t like it, you can easily change it. If it’s inspiring, then you can enjoy it. Just don’t turn your back on it this weekend. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


The most difficult choices are the most courageous. They’re the ones where the pay-off could be huge, but the fall could be equally great. Most folk aren’t brave enough to make these leaps. They prefer to stick to what’s easily understand­able and safe. After all, why risk messing everything up? You understand the need to carefully consider your options. Yet, this weekend brings a chance to extricate yourself from a difficult position. With your sure-footedness you’ll end up on good solid ground. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


According to the experts, when we dream about flying we dream about freedom. The higher we view ourselves soaring above the world, the greater our chance of finding the confidence to make positive choices in the ‘real’ world. The theory, is that if we can make liberating movements in our imaginary journeys, these skills can be used in a pragmatic way. As Venus and Uranus link, consider the dreams you’re creating. See yourself as someone who can’t be stopped by anything this weekend. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


Why are you so sure that your current scenario won’t lead you to the outcome you desire? Which dark forces are preventing you moving towards your destiny? Whose small-mindedness could wreck your chance of making it to where you want to go? There’s only one individual who has this much power – and that’s the person currently reading this prediction! As Venus and Uranus connect, don’t be tempted to self-sabotage your plans when there’s so much to gain by being positive. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


What’s this? You thought you deserved some time off? A whole weekend! I don’t believe it. I’m not quite sure why I spend time writing a forecast for someone who’s such a lazybones. No! Stop! I can’t keep this up any longer! You don’t deserve to be treated to such a tone of voice by anyone, including (and perhaps, most importantl­y) yourself. As Venus and your ruler highlight all that you have to be proud of - don’t let a misdirecte­d sense of guilt get in the way this weekend. There’s fun to be had. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


As salespeopl­e have long known, confidence breeds confidence. An ignorant but enthusiast­ic seller of cars will sell many more vehicles than an intelligen­t but nervous dealer. Reality, knowledge and practicali­ty it seems, have very little to do with that kind of success. Conviction is convincing. So, as Venus and Uranus link this weekend, psych yourself up, put on your inner salesperso­n, and be at your most persuasive. The strength you present will enable you to walk your walk with success. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


‘We are stardust, we are golden’ sang the great Joni Mitchell. It’s a lovely heartwarmi­ng lyric, but it’s easily dismissed as a being metaphoric­al. Yet, as quantum physics opens up the invisible natural world and offers new interpreta­tions, many scientists would agree with her. Something in your heart is golden. And, on this busy weekend, as Venus and Uranus link, they bring options to celebrate something joyful. Don’t be surprised by a delightful surprise! You might even burst into song. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.


Meditation experts advocate a method of ‘controlled breathing’ to expel stress. It involves inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly and steadily. The exhalation rids your body of tension. But it seems that whoever has been instructin­g you has forgotten to tell you to breathe out. You’ve been holding your breath for so long that it’s no wonder you feel tense. This weekend, as Venus and Uranus align, they bring a long-awaited break from stress. It’s time to let go of a source of worry and allow your troubles to float away. December is coming! Here’s a message that will lift your spirits! Call 1900 959 005.

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