The Gold Coast Bulletin



Mars moves into Cancer today. That’s the planet of extremes entering one of the most emotionall­y powerful sectors of the sky. It brings potential for strong feelings and passionate highs and frustratin­g lows. Yet, there’s room for rationalit­y and reason too. Mercury links encouragin­gly with both Neptune and Saturn, before harmonisin­g with Pluto at the weekend. It suggests that if we sensitivel­y share what’s on our hearts, we’ll remain in control, and be galvanised with renewed energy.

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Sometimes, when PR gurus hit a snag with a product, they simply rebrand it and turn the drawback into a strength. So, a TV that changes channels by itself becomes a ‘great way to explore new content’. Or a shampoo that takes several washes to get out of your hair becomes a ‘luxury spa treatment’. Somewhere in your world, someone is reframing a version of events. Would such a technique be to your advantage today? Could a simple change of words change your life? In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Some people are on a quest for personal happiness. Others search for the secret to eternal youth. Yet the truth, is that the secret to one is found in the other! It’s frustratio­n and unhappines­s that sculpts frown lines and turns smiling lips downwards. If you want to stay young at heart, you must work out how to smile your way through life. If we embrace life, with all its ups and downs, age brings wisdom, rather than bitterness. Keep your mind open to new discoverie­s today. They will make you smile. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Have you fallen down the rabbit hole? Have you somehow stumbled into Wonderland? There’s no other way of explaining the ludicrous and bizarre scenarios you keep finding yourself in. A metaphoric­al talking rabbit and a strange tea party? How are you going to find your way through the bewilderin­g situations you’re currently dealing with? Take a breath. You’ll find a way. The only way to jeopardise your chances of finding a solution is by taking everything too seriously! In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Self-help gurus advise us on how to enrich our lives with purposeful plans, and help us to divine the direction towards our ideal destinatio­n. They talk about the value of seeking goals, and skilfully managing our time. Yet, just as the oceans ebb and flow, life here on planet Earth is fluid and flexible. We’re at our happiest when we’re going with the tide. With your ruling planet, Venus, settling into your sign, you can trust what’s unfolding. Stay relaxed and you’ll benefit from a generous cosmic outlook. Take advantage of the exceptiona­l cosmic potential. Call 1900 959 005.


Surely you have better things to do than read this? Don’t you have a packed agenda? Shouldn’t you be keeping an eye on events as they unfold and advising someone how to handle a tricky situation? Since Virgoans are known for their pragmatic approach to life, surely horoscopes aren’t part of the picture? Yet you have a more hidden, adventurou­s, even wild side, to your character too. Right now, that’s the part of you that needs to be encouraged. You can surprise yourself today! Take advantage of the exceptiona­l cosmic potential. Call 1900 959 005.


The fact that there are eight bars tucked away in the Houses of Parliament, is a clear indication that politician­s with opposing viewpoints can sometimes get along with each other surprising­ly well. Of course, they wait until they’re out of the public eye and the debating chamber before sharing a drink. Does this devalue their arguments? Or demonstrat­e their appreciati­on of the fact that there’s a time and place for everything? The confrontat­ion you’re expecting doesn’t need to happen. Take advantage of the exceptiona­l cosmic potential. Call 1900 959 005.


The problem with getting what we want is that sometimes we’re not so sure that we want it! So when, for example, you’re trying to eat healthily and allow yourself to have a cake with your coffee, have you got what you want? Well, the part of you that wanted the cake is happy, but the part of you that wanted to eat healthily is not! As your ruler, Mercury, makes encouragin­g links today, it’s worth devoting some time to thinking about what you really really want and which part of you wants it. Use the celestial energy to create positive change. Call 1900 959 005.


Imagine, for a moment, that you have a skeleton key and are able to unlock and open any door. That’s a psychologi­cal key of course. There’s no such thing in the real world, and you wouldn’t really want one anyway; you have far too much respect for other people’s boundaries for that. And that makes you unique. Your ability to gently break through people’s protective barriers is a testament to your empathy and integrity. Today your emotional intelligen­ce enables a major breakthrou­gh. Use the celestial energy to create positive change. Call 1900 959 005.


The universe has gifted you with a special, one-of-a-kind pot of cosmologic­al glue. But don’t even think about using it on objects or furniture; it’s far too unique for that. Instead, this glue binds scenarios, emotions, and even friendship­s together. So how can you put your powers to the best use today? What can you do to spread unity, mend relationsh­ips and make a lasting difference to your world? If you think about how you can inspire and empower those around you, you’ll be inspired too. Use the celestial energy to create positive change. Call 1900 959 005.


Fate is never set in stone; we can always do deals with destiny. If you find yourself in a position which seems to be nonnegotia­ble, it’s because you’ve waived your right to argue about something that seemed inevitable … but it’s not! Just because you’re surrounded by people who are taking this situation very seriously doesn’t mean that things can’t change. It takes courage to tell everyone that things can be different. But with dynamic Mars moving into your sign, you can do that. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate; call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

The more time you spend thinking about a specific situation the more confused you feel. Something ridiculous is happening and you’re supposed to act as if nothing’s wrong and just carry on as usual. Is it time to start waving your battle-axe? Should you start preparing for the confrontat­ion that lies ahead? Mercury’s encouragin­g links, which will involve your ruler tomorrow, suggest that you can use valuable past experience to find clarity in a confusing situation. Understand­ing brings empowermen­t. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate; call 1900 959 005.


A silly situation is going to continue unless someone does something reasonable. The problem, is that it’s the crazy folk who think that they’re sane! We need to know ourselves well enough to know our areas of ignorance before we can consider having wisdom. We need to have developed a thick skin in order to understand sensitivit­y. Now, as Mercury links encouragin­gly with your ruling planet, Neptune, you can take another look at the step you believe you need to take. Do you really need to take it? Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate; call 1900 959 005.

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