The Gold Coast Bulletin

Gunshot victim in no mood to speak

Second wounded man also silent


POLICE are still searching for answers after a man showed up at a Gold Coast hospital with a gunshot wound to his leg and a second man was found with head injuries in a Helensvale home.

Both men have refused to tell police what happened and how they were injured.

Emergency crews were called to River Links Blvd East, Helensvale, about 5.30pm on Saturday after a of the public reported an assault.

Paramedics treated the man in his early 20s for head injuries and took him to Gold Coast University Hospital in a stable condition.

At about the same time, a second man aged in his early 20s turned up at Gold Coast University Hospital, nursing a suspected gunshot wound to the shin on his right leg.

Police began to investigat­e but both men have refused to speak with detectives.

A police spokesman said the men were “not very happy with us” and were not assisting investigat­ions.

Officers were trying to determine whether they were dealing with two victims or a victim and alleged offender.

No complaint has been made.

Neighbours told the Bulletin they did not hear a thing.

Residents next to the home, which was cordoned off with police tape, were yesterday unable to shed any light on the situation in their street and were curious to know more.

Some stuck their heads over gates or walked to the footpath to examine the situation.

One man playing with his children in his front yard said he had never seen police at the taped-off home, which was often surrounded by vehicles bearing P-plates.

He said the home appeared to be like any other in the street and he had taken little notice of it in the past.

The Gold Coast Criminal Investigat­ion Branch is continuing investigat­ions.

Police asked anyone with informatio­n to phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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