The Gold Coast Bulletin


- WITH OSCAR CAINER WWW.CAINER.COM Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.

There’s a certain four-letter word that I hardly dare mention, but it’s something we enjoy when it’s good. Recently I’ve talked about putting ourselves into the best position to receive it. And with the Sun’s links with Jupiter encouragin­g growth and generosity and Pluto’s deep intensity, as long as we’re sensitivel­y optimistic, we can count on more of it this weekend. Even though Friday the 13th is associated with its opposite, I’m referring to ‘luck’ of the good kind. Make the most of it.


Could this be your lucky day? No! I haven’t forgotten that it’s Friday the 13th! Just because it’s a day that’s wrapped in superstiti­on doesn’t mean that it can’t be a positive one for you. You’re looking for some reassuring news about a plan you’re becoming involved in. You’d like a vote of confidence before embarking on your next move. With the cosmic forces aligning in such an encouragin­g way, the weekend holds more than one favourable moment. Here comes all the support you need. How will the powerful Supermoon change your life? Find out! Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

This hasn’t been one of the smoothest of weeks … so Friday the 13th feels like the last thing you want to deal with. Yet, although this date is often considered to be unlucky, some folk say that it’s ‘lucky for some’. Could you be one of the lucky ones? The cosmic climate is certainly encouragin­g. Although there’s no guarantee this weekend will bring a lottery win your way, if you’re looking for the chance to creatively solve an old problem, you won’t be disappoint­ed. Luck is on your side. You need to know how the Supermoon will touch your life. Call 1300 017 319.


When riding on a rollercoas­ter, it’s hardly surprising that we close our eyes during the intense parts. Who wants to see where you’re going when your trajectory is vertical? It’s not as if you’d be able to do anything to change things, even if you were looking ahead! Yet today, on Friday 13th, the encouragin­g cosmic climate asks you to be more aware of where you’re heading. You’ve got control of the steering wheel on the ride you’ve embarked on. It’s taking you towards a dream date with destiny. You need to know about the powerful Supermoon. Pick up the phone! 1300 017 319.


Time moves on. People change; and our opinions, beliefs, priorities and prejudices alter. Since society teaches us to stick to our principles, it can be years before we wake up and realise that the principles we’re holding on to no longer represent how we feel and who we are. Just because it’s Friday the 13th doesn’t mean that you should hold back from fighting for something you believe in. The weekend brings a chance to discover the hidden potential in something you’ve overlooked. Turn the power of the Supermoon to your advantage. Call now! 1300 017 319.


When we look at something through a magnifying glass, instead of getting clearer, the object sometimes seems to distort. In fact, when viewed close up, it can bear little resemblanc­e to itself at all; if we didn’t already know what it was, we’d have real trouble identifyin­g exactly what we were looking at! The same is true of life. When we focus too much on the minutiae of a situation, we risk losing our grasp on the whole. Be open and receptive to new ideas, this weekend. There’s magic in the air. Discover what the potent power of the Supermoon means for you. Call 1300 017 319.


Thinking and taking action are very different things. Sometimes, like a Venn diagram, they overlap; and often, they don’t. The problems arise when we think we’re doing one thing, yet it looks very different to what someone else thinks we’re doing. Yet, isn’t that their problem? Besides, why are you wasting thoughts on their thoughts about your thoughts? This weekend, the positive cosmic climate encourages you to consider whether your actions reflect your inner truth. Do what’s right for you. There’s a potent Supermoon! Find out how it can touch your heart. Call 1300 017 319.


Not so long ago, when something happened, it happened only once. So, a show on TV was broadcast at a specific time … and that was it. If you missed it, you had no second chance of seeing it. Nowadays, when we can record, pause, rewind and download with a simple press of a button, it’s hard to imagine how we coped! Neverthele­ss, in our lives, we still have to work to timetables that don’t always suit our needs. This weekend, the supportive cosmic climate brings power to change that. Want to know how the Supermoon can solve your problems? Call now! 1300 017 319.


If Friday the 13th were as unlucky as it’s reputed to be, supermarke­ts would profit by doing special deals on salt. After all it’s useful to have a supply to pour around you in a protective ring if anything nasty manifests. Surely a main pet shop chain would be hiring out black cats for the day too. Fortunatel­y, under an auspicious cosmic climate today and over the weekend, there are opportunit­ies for you to restore good fortune. The only precaution you need is to be sure to be true to yourself. How will the powerful Supermoon change your life? Pick up the phone! 1300 017 319.


It’s time to take a leap of faith. Yes, I know it’s Friday the 13th, but that’s all the more reason to throw yourself off the top diving board, set sail on the high winds of destiny and allow yourself to follow the intuitive voice inside that knows that everything is going according to plan. Today, and over the weekend, you’ll be faced with more and more affirmatio­n that you’re on the right track. As long as you follow your heart, and give your thinking self a rest, you’ll make lastingly good decisions. Feel the power of this important Supermoon. For your new prediction call 1300 017 319.


Trying to avoid taking risks is, in itself, a risky business to embark upon. Taking steps to keep trouble at bay inevitably causes trouble. Yet even if it were possible to keep your life in a bubble of perfection, without any problems to deal with, it would soon become dull. Risky, dangerous, and unsettling though it can be, we need dynamism, change and instabilit­y in our world. Without it, we can never hope to develop, deepen and grow. Be sensible this weekend, but don’t lose that sense of thrill, either. Let the mystic power of the Supermoon change your life. Call now! 1300 017 319.


This is the day when we celebrate superstiti­on. For anyone who’s concerned about walking under ladders, breaking mirrors, or treading on cracks in the pavement, Friday the 13th is a standout day. This weekend, the encouragin­g cosmic climate suggests that whether or not you’re the superstiti­ous type, you’re under the astrologic­al equivalent of a protective spell. You’ve been cautious about sharing your feelings with someone recently. it’s time to have faith. You can attract good things your way. Discover what the Supermoon means for you this week. Call 1300 017 319.


Where are you going? What are your dreams, your passions? It’s one thing to have an answer to these questions. But that’s only the first step. The next is formulatin­g a process, a procedure, a strategy. Yet, when you’re juggling so much, prioritisi­ng your needs is hard to do. It’s hard to impose structure when you’re running around like a headless chicken. Yet this weekend, an auspicious cosmic climate brings you the time to sit down, take a deep breath, and let the answer come to you. Learn why this Supermoon is so important for you now. Call 1300 017 319.

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