The Gold Coast Bulletin




Who do you believe in? Are you a fan of superheroe­s, whizzing around in a brightly coloured elasticate­d suit and a cape? Or do you prefer sprites, pixies, and elves - the benevolent sort with the power to dissolve your worries with just a sprinkle of fairy dust? As children, these magical, mystical beings captured our imaginatio­n. Even as adults, there’s a part of us that wants to believe they’re real. As Uranus slips back in the sky, the superhero you’re looking for can be found in your own reflection. There’s a powerful New Moon. Change your future! Call 1300 017 319

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

There’s no point thinking about what’s gone wrong, why something has happened, or what you can do to put things back on track. As your ruler, the Sun, links to Mercury, the planet of communicat­ion, it would be much more worthwhile to ask the cosmos to help you reassess your approach. You haven’t got to where you are by mistake. There’s a rhyme and a reason to the aspects of your world that seem challengin­g. A shift in attitude can easily be made and a difficulty turned to an advantage. The New Moon in your sign is powerful. Change your life. Call 1300 017 319


Octopuses are so intelligen­t they can escape a locked jar. Proud cat and dog owners extol the aptitude of their beloved pets. But humans are different aren’t they? Created in God’s image, we’re at the pinnacle of evolutiona­ry excellence; there may be crises to deal with, yet we’re still in control. But what about the danger of an invasive alien force that might be hatching plans to take over our world? Don’t worry today. What’s in your heart is more important than what’s in your head. Don’t miss your powerful personal Moon-sign forecast. Call 1300 017 319


Is this your forecast? Or is it written with some other Taurean in mind? How can you tell who it belongs to? It’s hard to believe, in a post-modern world that seems to celebrate individual quirks and foibles, that it can be a simple case of sharing something as personal as a horoscope reading with someone else. But we’re delving into the psychology of ownership now. Suppose we forget all about that and look at your outlook? If something looks like it’s for you, accept it without question. For New Moon news that will make your spine tingle, call 1300 017 319


Life is filled with unanswerab­le questions. We don’t know where we were before we arrived here. We don’t know where we will go when we leave. We’re not sure what we’re supposed to be doing either! When such fundamenta­l issues are mired in uncertaint­y, it’s no wonder we sometimes struggle with day-today dilemmas. You’re trying to deal with a situation that could be approached in several different ways. As the Sun and Mercury link, whatever decision you reach will be best.

The New Moon brings potential transforma­tion. Call

1300 017 319


Would you mind standing before a metaphoric­al magistrate to explain some of the actions behind your recent misdemeano­urs? You’ve broken several codes of conduct and ignored a rule or two. And let’s not forget the casual way you’ve dealt with some of the expectatio­ns weighing on your shoulders. Do you plead guilty or not guilty? There’s only one possible correct response to this question. It’s ‘not guilty!’ As the Sun and Mercury link today, you need to let yourself off the hook. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast has great news. Call 1300 017 319


Websites, magazines and TV shows love the concept of a makeover. These transforma­tions appeal to a fantasy we all have; somewhere, deep down, we hold on to the belief that it’s possible to make spectacula­r changes and render our lives very different. We’d like to be able to draw a line between the past and move into a different kind of future. Although this is usually the stuff of dreams, as the Sun connects to your ruler today, you can do something constructi­ve to change a frustratin­g issue. Let the auspicious New Moon reveal your future. Call 1300 017 319


Sherlock Holmes. Jane Tennison. Hercule Poirot. Where would these great detectives be without a supply of high-quality villainous individual­s? A crime-fighter is nothing without a good, traditiona­l murder to solve. But that’s fiction, for you. In real life, Scotland Yard’s finest wouldn’t dream of thanking anyone for keeping them in business. As the Sun and Mercury link, you don’t need to bother looking for the good side to a bad thing today. Look instead, for the upside of a good thing! Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. Call

1300 017 319


What’s stopping you? Why can’t you move to those green pastures you long to experience? Is there some test you must pass, or ritual to be endured before you can free yourself from the shackles of your past? Your destinatio­n is in sight. It’s within touching distance. So, why is it that every time you reach for it, you fall short? With your ruler, Uranus, settling into its new retrograde phase, you’re discoverin­g the root of your frustratio­ns. After this, everything will be plain sailing.

Your latest Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1300 017 319


I’d like to talk to you about the importance of perceiving the value of what you already have in your life. This isn’t, by the way, because you need to lower your expectatio­ns about the potential that lies ahead. It’s just that if you’re in the right frame of mind now, you’ll be able to take advantage of an opportunit­y that’s arising. Imagine being in a dark, deep pit. You have nothing with you except a few nails, some rope and pieces of wood. With the right attitude, you can make a ladder and climb out! The New Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 1300 017 319

OCT 24 - NOV 22

No one wants to be thought badly of. In an ideal world, we’d like to think that even our enemies can’t stop themselves (begrudging­ly) appreciati­ng our qualities. In fact, we’re so sensitive to the idea of incurring disapprova­l that we create explanatio­ns, in the back of our minds, which we can use if our qualities are called into question. Today, as the Sun links with Mercury, you’ll have no need of any kind of explanator­y speech. You’re finally being appreciate­d for who you really are. Let the powerful New Moon guide you to a happier future. Call 1300 017 319


Let’s imagine that you are Arthur Conan Doyle, penning his latest crime-busting masterpiec­e. It’s not easy to work out which clues to reveal first, and which to hold back until later. When should the great disclosure occur? Well, definitely not in the opening pages. You’ve got to build up the tension and introduce some intrigue. But you don’t want to have too much to explain in the final pages either. It must be neither premature, nor over delayed. Don’t let a timing issue weigh you down today. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 1300 017 319

 ??  ?? Whenever I watch fantasy movies with my son, I breathe a sigh of relief whenever the storyline turns to time travel in order to tie up the loose ends. We could all achieve pretty much anything we wanted if only we could turn the clocks back and correct our ‘mistakes’. Yet, even though we don’t have magic pocket watches or modified DeLoreans, with Uranus retrograde and the Sun conjunct Mercury today, we should be able fix problems holding us back.
Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.
Whenever I watch fantasy movies with my son, I breathe a sigh of relief whenever the storyline turns to time travel in order to tie up the loose ends. We could all achieve pretty much anything we wanted if only we could turn the clocks back and correct our ‘mistakes’. Yet, even though we don’t have magic pocket watches or modified DeLoreans, with Uranus retrograde and the Sun conjunct Mercury today, we should be able fix problems holding us back. Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.

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