The Gold Coast Bulletin

Foxtel highlights: Monday, August 17


NURSES Fox One 101, 7.30pm

This new Canadian medical drama follows five young nurses, working on the frontline at fictional St Mary’s Hospital, who have decided to dedicate their lives to helping others, while having no idea how to help themselves. In tonight’s episode, Ashley (Natasha Calis, pictured) tends to an ultra-religious patient who is willing to put himself at peril to appease God, forcing her to reconsider her own religious past. Meanwhile, Naz (Sandy Sidhu) supports a pregnant patient through the hardest decision of her life. Tune in next week for the season finale, where one doctor faces an ethical dilemma while another is confronted about their drinking problem.

THE LAKE ERIE MURDERS Discovery ID 616, 9.30pm

Lake Erie, which borders four states and parts of Canada, is a popular Midwest destinatio­n for family activities year-round. It also happens to be the home of some dark and deadly crimes. This seven-part series invites viewers to the edge of Erie’s waters to explore several murder cases in the region. The first three episodes delve into the kidnapping of 10-year-old Amy Mihaljevic. In October 1989, Amy was lured to a suburban shopping mall in Ohio by an unknown man and she has not been seen since. Today, the 30-year mystery and nationwide manhunt remains active, as police still explore leads and suspects. The series continues with stories of four additional haunting murder-mysteries from around the Great Lake that were solved by law enforcemen­t.

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