The Gold Coast Bulletin

Premier needs to be clear – no safe model for Schoolies


THERE is no doubt that Schoolies should not go ahead this year.

That the Premier can not make up her mind on this issue after her immediate reaction to the COVID outbreaks at Ipswich, her constantly proud reporting of the capture of those who break the border lockdown is not acceptable in the eyes of those of us who see her indecision as creating a very nervous look at what is liable to happen to us without a clear statement by her now.

I say to the Premier, her golden girl on the Gold Coast Meaghan Scanlon, her star recruit ‘Rabbit’ Bartholome­w and her missing-inaction Tourism Minister Kate Jones, we the residents of the Gold Coast want a clear statement now, not the day the children show up.

You only have to look at the past to predict the future, hoteliers can not stop large groups of teens having parties in their rooms or wandering the streets.

You can not create a Schoolies precinct because you can not control social distancing in that area, you can not put on music events because no matter how hard you try they will still gather together in tight groups dancing because they do not believe in the danger to us all from the virus.

If there is no entertainm­ent then they will spread themselves out across the city looking for entertainm­ent.

If there is an outbreak you will not be able to do tracing because drunk teens can’t remember the time of day let alone the name of the people they interacted with.

Remember these kids will be coming from the current worry areas in Brisbane, Ipswich and Logan as well as within the NSW bubble and beyond. It is not rocket science that many kids from down south will try everything to get into the state by what ever means.

It will be bad enough to monitor those who travel across the border and then go further to places like Byron Bay when they return.

It is no wonder to me now why the CFMEU has withdrawn its support when this state government can not make up its mind to ensure the safety of an entire city.

We need Schoolies shut down now. We need action against any events for Schoolies now. We need the shutdown of Airbnb accommodat­ion for Schoolies.

We need certainty in our safety now.


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