The Gold Coast Bulletin

5 common lawn problems and how to fix them


bver had a lawn problem you can't solve? Creating the perfect lawn requires time, effort and a lot of patienceI when there is a problem with our lawn it can be upsetting.

that is wrong with my lawn? thy is my grass patchy and brown? thy are there grubs in my garden? oead below the 5 common lawn problems and how to fix them.

Lawn weeds

that one homeowner might call a great lawn that is ‘covered in weeds’ might differ from another lawn. pelect your weed treatment based on the weed classifica­tion and stage in life cycle. BroadleafI grass-like and grassy are all types of different weeds. mre-emergent herbicides/ weed killer help stop weeds from growing through the soil and postemerge­nt herbicides applies a coating on the plant to prevent photosynth­esis targeting establishe­d weeds. ff you are aiming to revitalise your lawnI it's recommende­d killing your existing thinning grass first as you will need to start fresh.

Lawn discolorat­ion

iawn discolorat­ion is another problem that can occur when you’re experienci­ng anything that's not the “dark green” you desire. qhere are all types of lawn lawn discolorat­ion from paleI yellow or even a lawn that is brown and reasons behind this can be drought and lack of waterI turf diseaseI early stages of insect damageI improper mowing and nutrient deficiency. Using the wrong treatment can make the misdiagnos­ed problem worseI if you think the lawn is yellow it's not always because it lacks water it could mean a lawn fungus.

Lawn grubs

iawn grubs are small worms that can do a huge amount of damage to grassed areas causing discolorat­ion in the lawn and can quickly become invasive.

qhey are common and look like small white caterpilla­rs emerging mainly in the spring when they need to feed on grass roots. qo prevent thisI you need to stop their life cycle.

qhe proper treatment to tackle lawn grubs is with a natural and ecofriendl­y grub pesticide in the spring before they are newly hatchedI with a potential retreatmen­t in Autumn season.

Striped lawn

ff you notice stripes appearing on your lawnI the chances are they are due to the wrong fertiliser applicatio­n and handling of distributi­on. ff your lawn's appearance is dark green striped grass it's caused by over applicatio­n of fertiliser­I and stripes of thinner paler grass are the result of under applicatio­n.

iawn stripes can occur when lawn mowers overlap and can spread unnecessar­y fertilisat­ion. iight green stripes are likely the result of missed gaps in your fertiliser applicatio­n. qo fix the problem, fill in gaps and apply a small amount of fertiliser in those trouble areas. qhis can be done by using a drop spreader.

A great watering routine will cause chemicals to flush away from the concentrat­ed patches and will help the grass heal naturally.


aandelion is a perennial weed and grows in thin lawns that are under fertilised. aandelions have thickI long taproots that are hard to pull outI you need to kill the entire root to prevent it from regrowth. Before dandelions mature and start to spreadI seeds are the best time to consider extraction.

To fix dandelions from recurring, pull taproots out by hand by using a specialise­d fork tool called a ‘dandelion digger’ this will help with the stubborn stems. Use a postemerge­nt herbicide in the autumn session to stop regrowth.

qhe good news is very rarely a lawn is beyond the point it can't be fixed. It will only require patience and the right treatment over a couple of months and seasons.

 ?? ?? Creating the perfect lawn requires time, ...
Creating the perfect lawn requires time, ...

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