The Gold Coast Bulletin



No so-called “green hydrogen” project makes economic sense. If they made economic sense, they wouldn’t need government money. Alice

Foran might just be worth every cent to Titans, Jimbo

Do we want Aust to be controlled by a few radical lefties from the three percenters ? Vote No to keep Aust free and our way of life as it is. Redneck

I want Wayne Bennett to win just as much now as when he was the Dragons coach. Jack

Totally agree with “Amen” text Saturday 25 Feb. My neighbours are the epitome of the “entitled generation”. Mummy & Daddy bought the house, bought the expensive Boat and Daddy turns up to mow their lawns every 2 weeks. They use his employer’s vehicle to tow the boat off the property to the beach, driving over our property and digging up our pristine lawn – until I gave them an absolute mouthful. Now they drive all over the lawn of the neighbours across the road. Sick of these ungrateful spoilt brats who think they own everything. Jus Sayin

Is the clocking ticking for Brad Thorn at the Reds? Big Artie

“Red carpet “- Anna- announced pill testing at music festivals - OMG - and we only have about 5 of them every year. Didn’t we have pills testing already ? And - for the remaining 360 days - it’s ok?

We have just had friends from Ireland who visited Vault and Chameleon in Surf Pde. They absolutely had the best time. We are going to Vault this evening with people from Yamba. We are Broadbeach locals and lots of people meet up at the great venues mentioned in Bulletin on Saturday. To the handful of constant whinges and the person who cannot hear his 5pm news would you rather see empty shops instead of business people having a go. If anyone has not gone to these venues go along and listen to the great live music. David De Vito actually employs his staff with great singing ability to get experience in front of a audience. Well done to you all. JF

Moving the goalposts of superannua­tion confirms that Labor thinks that our money is labor’s money just as they think that what they say is what we will think. What’s next $20 schooners.

Anyone else disgusted with “Big Lame Hunters”. In Saturday’s paper. Fancy shooting these beautiful (endangered) animals with their scoped up rifles! Give them a bow and arrow and hope they get trampled! Keep at them Paige Donald!

Is Lidia Thorpe the full biscuit? What colour is the sky in her world? Seriously we’re paying her good money. Bring on the meteor.

So the tourism levy multiplied by five per year to keep how many people in a job

What doesn’t the Goldy have any more, open spaces and fresh air it’s become a shipwreck of its former self.

Southport Mall Twilight Markets. Music and portable toilets placed outside residentia­l high rise! Yes we live in the “city”, but no reason to subject us to this unpleasant­ness when could be located further up Mall where, after 5pm, no one would be affected. Toilets at the front door and outside restaurant­s, disgusting. Who decided these placements? Flicka

Senator Lydia Thorpe.You madam are a complete fool/ Idiot/and a “show pony. Your an embarrassm­ent as a politician.

It is a massive shame that our bro.s over the ditch and Australian Rugby will not be able to test ourselves with the Greatest grass roots rugby nation in the world in super rugby. Noel

Our underperfo­rming State Government is going flat out with Cross River Rail. Hope they widen Gooding Drive near the M1 to help traffic flow. Martin Oxenford

When can we expect to see a lavish “No Voice “party to inform the voters that missed an invite to the yes party?

No council or state funding for cableway. Where are all these so called rich guys with millions and billions of dollars? Get them to put “money where mouth” is. I think it’s a great idea the cableway but only funded by private enterprise.

Knife crimes are on the increase, almost every day somewhere another death, where has it come from & why ppl think it’s ok, it’s not just the youth either.. fancy knives are trending now on the internet, some markets sell them, sports/hunting shops, some

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