The Gold Coast Bulletin



YOUR editorial on Saturday 25/3 complains that the 2032 Olympics will be called Brisbane Olympics. Well, as far as I can remember the Olympics have always been called by the host cities name all the way back to Athens in 1896, not by the state or province name. Stop being pedantic and over parochial as tourists will still come and visit the GC, regardless. Also our Comm Games were not called QLD Comm Games, but the GC games. Also don’t forget that without Brisbane being close by, we would not be this big today but similar size to tourist city Cairns. DS

REGARDING teen killing roos for fun, “non-consequent­ial thinking” is psychobabb­le for “doesn’t give a s---.” Kora

TO the no-name investor: Don’t blame the governor of the RBA champ. Blame yourself. You should have raised the rent. You’re the problem of your own actions. You have no idea what out of control inflation does to an economy. I say keep raising them as I’ve seen nothing in term deposits for years! About time.

WHO is kidding who! Landlords are ripping off tenants big time, and then claiming they are hard done by is absolute BS. Greedy buggers are an unAustrali­an disgrace and deserve public shaming.

SO even the Indigenous are AGAINST the Voice. What does that mean? 4218

THE precedent has been set. You can deliberate­ly run down our native wildlife and not be charged under the Wildlife Preservati­on Legislatio­n, drive off, not once but three times without paying for your fuel and you get a slap on the wrist and asked to do 80 hours of community service. Wait for it, no conviction recorded. And you are wondering why the police are frustrated, trying to do their work but now being backed up by the courts. It’s time the AttorneyGe­neral started appealing some of these slap on the wrist with no conviction­s. Squizz.

TODAY I watched Warren Mundine’s interview regarding the Voice referendum on ABC morning news and would recommend anyone who feels they are uneasy with the government’s hard sell on the policy to watch for a balanced view from a well respected Indigenous leader.

ALBO having a Voice won’t improve people’s lives if they are not determined to improve their lives for themselves. They will always find another reason. It’s not that simple – and it will be divisive. Some Indigenous are against the vote for that reason. We are one! As PM, your govt should already have had an ear for the different groups that make our nation –there are Indigenous politician­s to start.

Hi Ken, I have a feeling I’ve missed about 15 years of the Days of Our Lives. I have a feeling you’ll have been them archived. VHS will be fine. Thanks. Roman

GREAT theatre, the Broncos v Phins NRL game and a full house. Incredible night. Big Artie

TOTALLY agree with you, Norm. I am fed up with minority groups too and also you are spot on. Joan, we will suffer again due to minority abuse of prescripti­on drugs more hoops and $ $ for us. Kris

MARTIN Oxenford: The next election will be all smoke & mirrors once again. With the last election, Stacia won it by only speaking about covid & “keeping people safe” & nothing about running our state, our debt, health, roads etc & it worked. People are so gullible. Now look at the mess we’re in. Don’t be misled Qlders WITH regards to the “deep fake “scam, now they can copy people’s voice. HEAR THIS! As soon as money transfer etc is mentioned, ask the “robot“What is your middle name? or What is your cat’s name. No answer? Then you know the next response and it begins with F!

HAD to laugh at the sovereign citizen videos from the NSW elections. They really aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, are they? Luigi

I READ with interest the Mad Abbot, former Australian PM Tony Abbott, has joined the board of a UK climate sceptic think tank. Thank God that it is overseas and will not have to listen to the garbage that this person will try to foist on us. He knows nothing about the science behind climate change, and his only legacy here is that he was the second shortest reign of any PM of our great country and the second worst ever, behind Morrison. Actually, Tony, why not stay over in the UK and make all of us intelligen­t folk in Australia happy!

Refugees and the special treatment they are receiving is the talk on the streets these days, with the southern media reporting the generous pensions they receive, and preference given to them for public housing over Australian pensioners.

Yet the media also report that a large number are illiterate, refuse to learn our language and will never do a day’s work or pay a cent in tax, an insult to our beloved taxpayers. Meanwhile, Albo wants a population of 45 million, and is to import 190,000 immigrants a year. That will obviously attract other countries’ undesirabl­es. Is this what the naive and gullible voted for? Ken W.

Investors are evicting good tenants. My repayments have gone from $1550 in June 2022 to $2350 a month, plus landlord insurance, rates and BC fees. Tenant is coming to the end of a 12-month lease paying $395 a week; you do the math on what he would have to pay now. The RBA Treasurer IS the rental problem! Apparently there are over 50 Indigenous organisati­ons in Australia, which begs the question what are they doing to promote their Voice cause issues and what’s happening to the billions of dollars those organisati­ons get between them all?

This Voice saga will only make Australia head towards a more racist agenda much like what’s happening in NZ with their Treaty of Waitangi and how many years ago was that signed. Doug

To the letter writer on 24/3, Australia does not pay full pension to migrants from NZ – they just top it up to Australian level depending on dollar rate between different countries. And most NZers have paid and still do pay taxes. Oldie

The Voice line-up: Pat Dobson talking about the tyranny of dispositio­n. Where would he be without Australia’s settlement? Whether black or white, be grateful for what we have. Can things be done better? Absolutely, starting with Dobson telling working Australia where $30bn a year goes, and what is he doing to improve the lot of our Indigenous in the bush to bring them into the here and now. Flicka

Unbelievab­le, this clown mows down and kills wallabies for fun, also three drive off from fuel stations without paying, and guess what? No conviction recorded.

According to court documents, council alleges a helitour company has been operating on the Gold Coast without necessary planning and building approvals for 25 years. Twenty-five years? Says a lot about council enforcemen­t of its planning and building laws. And I paid a building certifier handsomely to certify my new veranda!

It is not very Christian of the religious groups that do not love their LGBT neighbours. “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” is about the ethic of reciprocit­y known as the Golden Rule or the Great Commandmen­t. So how about doing as you are told!

Police recruitmen­t would surge if laws and sentencing guides were toughened up so that police officers cease to be demoralise­d and know they are really making a difference. Government needs to ask frontline police officers what needs to be done, not academics whose advice has led us to the current crisis in crime and punishment.

A person texting about the increased costs for their investment property seems to be suggesting indirectly that the rental received should cover all their increased costs. The market determines the rent, not what the landlord needs.

Hopefully it’s prophetic – teary Albo losing his voice while promoting the Voice campaign, and eventually losing in the referendum. As the Nationals’ Barnaby Joyce aptly quipped, “cry me a river”.

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