The Gold Coast Bulletin

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Bout time some people took a deep breath and got over themselves.. only morons could possibly think the Rickshaw at Maroochydo­re encroaches on the joint at Burleigh…. puleeeze! Tallai Terror

A tram with no tracks and rubber wheels , that’s a bus . What is wrong with you idiots . Long live the light rail . Unlike you cowards , my name is Paul Richardson

This afternoon a fella wearing a pink t’ shirt, carrying a Ipad walked past all the houses on my side of the street next I observed him walking up the street on the opposite side. With his computer pad. About ten minutes later another fella in a pink shirt with a computer did the same thing.

Does anyone know what this is about?

You’d like to think that if your car was stolen, or your home broken into, that the courts would issue such punishment that the culprits would never reoffend. It seems the courts have a different agenda - stuff the victims and look after offenders. Martin

If it wasn’t for the Kiwis 144,000++++ visitors the Gold Coast would cease to exist. Jeez you Aussies just can’t help yourself with your constant race digs at Kiwis at every turn. Aussie is the most racist country in the World, they also stick it to the English, calling them “whining poms” yet it’s Aussies constant whining and sniveling I hear

I thought Mc Donalds was a “fast food outlet” well McFlurry me .... its not. Holy crap Batman 20 mins plus .... if i could cancel my order i would ......... frustrated.

Who is Tammy Hembrow?

So here we go again. According to the chief health officer spreading more fear of the new covid wave

Stop the half-arsed, too little, too late efforts to control fire ants. If Terminant wipes out big colonies of mastoterme­s (larger white ants) it should sort fire ants out. Make a choice. Which is more detrimenta­l, the fire ants or the Terminant?

Can we give the mindless Mannworshi­pper (there’s only the one) her own text line straight to Mann so she’s not annoying us by constantly describing and worshippin­g Mann’s little doodles.

More about good and bad drivers. A lot of drivers in crowded Asian cities such a Manila are actually very good. They have to be to navigate the horrendous traffic. To do this they have their own unique set of hand waving signals that everyone seems to understand. Of course there are the lunatics who cause accidents and chaos like ones here do.

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