The Gold Coast Bulletin

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Stan , stupidity describes the Trump hater not naivety. Trump left the USA in a far better place after his four years in persecutio­n by the lefty nutjobs that all predicted the world would end. It didn’t.

Re USA elections: Seriously, out of 350m people, the best they can do is Biden and Trump. One needs to be put in the loony bin and the other in an aged care facility, and give us some fresh faces, otherwise the world is in deep s..t. CAP

ajs, if Nukes had subsidies like sun , wind & unproven green hydro then Twiggy would be all over them ! Follow the money fella ! Struth

Proponents of nuclear power can have a debate about building nuclear power stations at their own cost. No one is going to stump up the money to build them so don’t waste tax payers money funding debate that will end up coming to the conclusion nuclear power would be uneconomic without huge subsidies.

Mother Nature is laughing her head off! Mediterran­ean countries have 40 plus degree days every summer but don’t scream ‘horror heatwave’ like our media and weather bureau. Sadly we are awash with climate BS, and the wailing of the weak woke.

Shootings in the streets, suburbs, guns, crime and drugs on steep rise in every state - is this in Brazil, South Africa or Mexico? No - this is Australia - all under control of this hopeless, totally useless , lazy Labor here!

Melbourne oldies, way too late to save Qlders from suffering brain damage.

Is it possible for AI to replace idiots working from home? Lower expectatio­ns from AI eh?

If AI wants my job it can have it. Just make sure I get the pay out and can ride off into the sunset, thanks a bunch tech.

AI taking over jobs for those working from home??? Sure, go for it business, see what happens.

Sheesh! When did cooking rice become so bloody complex?! Once cooking 2 cups water to one cup rice, for 15-20 mins - rice ready, job done! What’s with all bloody “washing & soaking it” BS palaver, these days ????? Hmph!

Barney, fire ants are not impossible to eradicate, it’s just that if the people contracted to do so, do their job, they’ll be out of work, so they ‘contain’ rather than eradicate.

What happened to the fire ants?

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