The Gold Coast Bulletin

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Two years by council to fix Cotlew Street and what have we got? From rough goat track with grass growing through the bitumen, to a rough goat track. One guy doing something and 4 others standing around on phones in hi vis. Line ups of trucks doing nothing on standby for hours everyday. More bunting and orange bollards than line the marathon. And you wonder where our rates go / wasted.

No we do not need beach bars. Families with young children do not want to be listening to loud intoxicate­d young people. The beaches are free and open and should stay that way. There is enough problems now with unruly performanc­e people we do not need any more.nan

Tom, Why do we have to copy overseas with beach bars ..... to boost tourism. Really? They will cause more problems especially for lifesavers when alcohol is more readily available. Let’s have a point of difference instead of copying.

It seems nothing is safe from commercial exploitati­on, not even the sacrosanct right of Australian­s to public access to beaches. Introducin­g beach bars or clubs to Gold Coast beaches is un-Australian and a foot in the door for those who would benefit financiall­y from more public beaches being used for commercial purposes.

Loved the beach club at Kurrawa when it was there. All for bringing it back full-time. For over fifty years I have lived on the beautiful Gold Coast and over that time I have enjoyed beach bars all across the world. Not one of those bars were situated on a stunning beach line such as we have here. Let’s go Tom, it will be just so normal. The Local.

Beach bars and Gold Coast, seems like a perfect fit. Just wait for the wowsers to start complainin­g that they don’t want this here. KEEP BONZA FLYING..

How can Government not get behind this company trying to keep affordable flights available BKM

I fully endorse ‘no name’ (gc bulletin 29/4)...i can umderstand people living in a car ‘cos they need to (although no excuse to in a country as wealthy as this!)...but be respectful enough not to use the area as a toilet & rubbish area!!!

Reading about how Cooly businesses are thrilled WSL is back, I wonder if they realise it also means the WSL will move forward that proposed music concert/festival which many businesses originally opposed. Or did they forget to mention it was part of the deal?

I bet Labor ministers feel that they backed the wrong horse for their winner ! Running in the wrong direction at the track! It’s a ruddy shame again! KB Tweed

So Albo has 11 media advisors on his team!! Well Albo it’s not working out for you, still have stuff up after stuff up!! Wouldn’t help if you had 20! Suggest take foot out of mouth!

When Albo visits Alice Springs, he should stay a while longer than his last visit! He should go for a boat cruise on the Todd River! All the way to Finke! And then get a Camel ride back to town! Just in time for the curfew!

Who are the drongos having a go at Crisafulli probably Labor party goons any person who does not vote for Crisafulli at this election should be charged with treason for supporting the destructio­n of this once great state by Labor. Mr MF Reading and watching the news media everyday I am drawn to the conclusion that there is one common denominato­r that has befallen our beautiful country and that is the Labor government both state and federal.. Stan

I am preparing to apply to Coles for a position of shelf stacker. I have only one demand, that I work from home. Been vaxxed.

The cost of all insurance is horrendous. But Health insurance costs are out of control. Is it shareholde­rs first – members last, or just plain greed? Martin Oxenford

Copped $2.31 for petrol the other day. This is outrageous. How can the government say it is doing something to fix cost of living problems but we get slammed with this? Absolute load of crap.

Going to have to stick with good old Milton Mangoes. These craft beers are too much. No wonder the buggers are going broke. Who the hell can afford $70 for 16 beers? That is just highway robbery if you ask me.

There are adjectives that are not rude and contributo­rs to GCB who consistent­ly deride others in texts to the GCB would do themselves a service by being kinder.

A lesson for all! I went to a boys boarding school for three years where corporal punishment was a necessary daily occurrence to prevent outright chaos. The dribbling do gooders might not like it but strict deterrents certainly work producing respectful and polite pupils, a rare feat nowadays.

ajs crisis??? What we do have is an over abundance of climate activist BSters spreading immoral fearmonger­ing informatio­n (similar to you). No, actually you.

ajs please explain the climate crisis & biodiversi­ty crisis we are experienci­ng - Ozman

Thank you Mr Realist, Mrs Septic and any other Climate Change deniers. Based on the strength of your arguments I’m going to just forget about climate change altogether now. Thanks for clearing things up for me. Much appreciate­d. Lolz. BJM

Rambo. Surely you don’t think the MCG is the same stadium as in 1956.They have done many renovation building works since then. Jayar Palmy.

Instead of giving genuine AFL fans just another 6,000 tickets to the Grand Final in future which is a band aid solution,how about they lift the capacity of the MCG to 120k at least,as there are many games I now that have 90k plus crowds throughout the season.With more and more Clubs reaching 100k plus members it has to happen eventually. If they do that, they can keep the Grand Final there basically forever. The Terminator.

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