The Gold Coast Bulletin

Take our country back from extremists

- Warren Mundine

Irecently attended the Sydney Jewish Museum. The security was akin to Sydney Airport. It is the same at Jewish schools. Why does Australia – once one of the most relaxed, safest, multicultu­ral, multiethni­c, mutlfaith, multi everything places on the planet – need such security?

Our multicultu­ral, multifaith, multiethni­c society is under attack because of a war in the Middle East.

The world changed on October 7, when the ruling government in Gaza,

Hamas, and its allies like Islamic Jihad invaded Israel. It was a declaratio­n of war in the worst possible way.

The invaders celebrated, cheered and laughed over the bloodletti­ng. The victims were paraded in Gaza as trophies and war booty.

What has this to do with Australia? Within hours there were celebratio­ns of the attack. Jews were told to stay home for their safety.

Australian­s, because of fear, had to hide their religious symbols and clothing. Marchers issued threats, businesses were hit with boycotts, and roadblocks appeared to stop trading. People were calling for Israel to be annihilate­d. Jews and Israelis to be slaughtere­d. And politician­s and police did nothing.

Over the decades millions of migrants have come to help build and make this nation the greatest. There are people who come here to destroy that greatness or trash it.

Government­s, police and institutio­ns need to send a clear message that intoleranc­e will not be tolerated. How to do this?

First, politician­s, police, courts and institutio­ns need to protect all Australian­s and the law needs to be enforced.

Second, any person calling for jihad or violence against Australian­s needs to be arrested and deported if a noncitizen. If a citizen, then off to jail. Third, UNRWA funding must stop. Fourth, people or organisati­ons spreading lies, intoleranc­e and violence against Australian­s should be banned from coming here.

Fifth, the Iranian-founded and backed Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps (IRGC) needs to be listed as a terrorist organisati­on by Canberra.

The country I was born in, I am Indigenous to, and I have grown up in has changed for the worse. Will that be forever?

In the week since the knifing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, I have seen an outpouring of forgivenes­s and coming together as a nation and people. I hope this continues as we are all Australian­s.

One nation, one people.

It will continue to get worse, only if the politician­s, police and institutio­ns keep on doing nothing.

Nyunggai Warren Mundine AO is a Sydney businessma­n and commentato­r

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